【問題】delivering happiness檸檬塔?推薦回答

作者:Hepburn, Emma

Dr Emma Hepburn is a clinical psychologist, with expertise in neuropsychology, who has over 15 years’ experience of working with and treating mental health difficulties in both the public and priva...

作者:Harrison, Christy

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist who writes about food and nutrition. She is the founder and host of the Food ...

作者:Pimentel, Mark,Rezaie, Ali

Mark Pimentel, MD is the head of the Pimentel Laboratory and the executive director of the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) Program at Cedars-Sinai. Ali Rezaie, MD is a specialist...

作者:Tonkinson, Paul

Paul Tonkinson has been a regular on the UK comedy circuit for over fifteen years, playing both public gigs and corporate events, and regularly taking shows to the Edinburgh Festival. Paul is also ...

作者:Sullivan, Meghan,Blaschko, Paul

Meghan Sullivan is the Wilsey Family College Chair in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, director of the God and the Good Life Program, and director of the Notre Dame Institute for Advance...

作者:Permutt, Philip

Philip Permutt�(www.thecrystalhealer.co.uk) is the author of several books, including best-sellers�The Crystal Healer vols 1 and 2,�as well as most recently, �My Crystal Guide�and�The Modern Guide ...


【金字塔原理:思考、寫作、解決問題的邏輯方法】   麥肯錫三十年經典培訓教材!   提升寫作、簡報能力的必讀好書!   廿一世紀是寫作的時代,不論是寫作文、寫情書、寫e-mail、交報告,這本書都可以幫助你。   本書作者芭芭拉.明托(BarbaraMinto),為麥肯錫等世界各大顧問公司開設過寫作課程。《金字塔原理》自1973年出版以來,經過多次修訂,建立了不朽的名聲,成為顧問界乃至...


  讓·弗朗索瓦·利歐塔於1964年,40歲時在巴黎索邦大學開了哲學導論的課程,《為什麼哲學思考?》就是這四堂課的講義。     這個提供給大一/大學先修班學生的課程,非常有別於傳統,即那些總以問「甚麼是哲學?」作為開始的哲學課—「甚麼是哲學?」這類問題,通常要求的,只是既定的、描述性的之答案。     然而,當追問「為什麼哲學思考?」,我們所要求的不再是將哲學視作為外在客體而加以被動描述,...

作者:Kelly, Nicholas

Nicholas Kelly is Director of Visual Analytics and Go-to-Market at Logic20/20, based in Seattle, Washington. He is a leader in analytics adoption having designed and developed dashboards for some o...

作者:Kelly, Nicholas

Nicholas Kelly is Director of Visual Analytics and Go-to-Market at Logic20/20, based in Seattle, Washington. He is a leader in analytics adoption having designed and developed dashboards for some o...

作者:Joyce Wang

超高詢問度!人氣老師Joyce的甜點造型蠟燭課! 以甜點為創作靈感,不藏私公開獨家蠟材混合配方x裝飾技法 做出好讓人想嚐一口,外型極為真實的可愛甜點蠟燭   色彩繽紛的小巧馬卡龍、有著融化冰紋的冰淇淋、圓蓬裂紋的甜甜圈泡芙、夾入粉紅草莓切片的芙蓮蛋糕、有著螺旋奶油紋切面的蛋糕捲、裝飾滿滿水果的生日蛋糕、點綴巧克力飾片的法式甜點、視覺清涼的冰鎮拿鐵…這些竟然都是蠟燭作品?沒錯!人氣老師Joy...


得獎記錄   ★《檸檬水戰爭》榮獲好書大家讀年度最佳讀物   ★誠品書店年度暢銷書   ★博客來書店暢銷榜   ★美國德島兒童圖書獎   ★紐約公立圖書館100閱讀和分享圖書、   ★北卡羅萊納州兒童圖書獎   ★康乃狄克州肉荳蔻圖書獎   「檸檬水戰爭」系列   校園故事X家庭生活X主題概念絕妙組合!   結合經濟、法律、寫作、推理、魔術五大主題,   探索校園生活、親子關係,培養孩子...

