【問題】break-even effect?推薦回答

作者:Zee, Ginger

Helicity is well aware that her name is unusual - kind of like Helicity herself. The word Helicity means to spin, and for as long as she can remember, Helicity has been fascinated by the weather. T...

作者:Rogers, Jeff/ Corell, Maria/ Porterfield, Kate, Ph.D./ Busser, John (ILT)

OFFICE SPORTZ is a handbook filled with fun, exhilarating and often ridiculous games that make life in the workplace a lot more entertaining However, a fantastic thing can happen when a team works...

作者:Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Like all of Hawthorne's novels, "The Scarlet Letter" has but a slender plot and but few characters with an influence on the development of the story. Its great dramatic force depends entirely on th...

作者:Raghuram Rajan

  拉古拉姆.拉詹Raghuram G. Rajan,名列當代最重要的經濟學者之一,曾出任國際貨幣基金組織IMF首席經濟學家、印度央行總裁、美國芝加哥大學商學院財政學教授等重要職位。在這本視野宏大、論點獨特的重量級作品,運用自己學術與政策兼備的深厚知識,為當下民粹崛起、反全球化的浪潮,提供了讀者一條兼容政治與經濟面向的理解之道,更提出如何解決問題的見解。   在拉詹的立論裡,支撐著我們生活...

作者:Davis, Harold

Black-and-white photography poses unique challenges; without color to guide the eye, contrast, lighting, and composition take on even more importance. In Creative Black and White, 2nd Edition, ren...

作者:Davenport, Barrie

Emotional abuse keeps you tongue-tied and anxious, unable to speak up for fear of rocking the boat. If you (1) have trouble setting boundaries with your emotional abuser and (2) never know what to ...

