【問題】PVIFA table?推薦回答

作者:Banks, Tommy

Tommy Banks became Britain’s youngest Michelin-starred chef in 2013 and won the Great British Menu in 2016 and 2017. Chosen as a Sunday Times One to Watch, Tommy was also featured in 2017’s Observe...

作者:Schormann, Bettina,Schiestel, Erin

BETTINA SCHORMANN learned to bake while cooking in tree planting camps across Canada. In 2006 she became a Red Seal Pastry Chef and won Pastry Chef of the Year from the Ontario Hostelry Institute. ...

作者:Williams, Nathan/ Payne, Rebecca Parker (CON)/ Fitzgerald, Parker (PHT)/ Patrone, Leo (PHT)

   美國飲食生活雜誌《Kinfolk》自2011年發行以來,每期都以144頁、無廣告的精緻內容傳達低調、純淨與簡單的生活樂趣,引發讀者的熱烈迴響。精要的文字、獨特的生活美學似乎正反映出大眾渴望單純、期盼從日常的庸庸碌碌裡透一口氣,與志趣相投的朋友共同感受世界的美好,不時還能藉聚餐共享生命的熱情與喜悅。      《The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small G...


Shiho Pate started her career as an artist for several indie gaming studios in NYC. In her ten plus years in that industry, she published many social games and mobile games, but her passion has alw...

作者:Reynolds, Peter H.

Peter H. Reynolds is a New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of many books for children, including The Dot, I Am Human, Happy Dreamer, The Word Collector, Say Something!, and Be You!. ...


Shiho Pate started her career as an artist for several indie gaming studios in NYC. In her ten plus years in that industry, she published many social games and mobile games, but her passion has alw...

作者:Relais &. Châteaux North America

Established in 1954, Relais & Châteaux is an association of the world’s finest hoteliers, chefs, and restaurateurs that sets the standard for excellence in hospitality, with a select 580 members wo...

作者:Magwood, Trish

TRISH MAGWOOD is a food and lifestyle industry authority, trend leader and experienced entrepreneur. She is a chef, award-winning cookbook author, television host, producer, creator, entertainer an...

作者:Schorr, Dan

作者:Yelchin, Eugene

Eugene Yelchinis the co-author and illustrator of the 2018 National Book Award Finalist The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge, co-written with M. T. Anderson. A Tomie dePaola Illustrator Award Winn...


  ★ 英國亞馬遜五顆星評鑑   ★ 從A到Z 介紹元素週期表上118種自然與人造的元素,並解釋它們的特性和原子結構。   ★收錄1000多張吸引人的全彩照片,不僅呈現元素的諸多自然型態,也介紹它們會出現在哪些尋常和不尋常物件裡,以獨到而親切的方式拉近孩子和化學元素之間的距離。   元素是物質的基本構件,不只我們地球,連整個宇宙都是元素組成的。但純的元素是什麼樣子?在自然界又是以何種樣貌存...

作者:蘿西‧狄金絲Rosie Dickins

風靡英國暢銷知識教育小百科  用STEAM 小翻頁 將龐雜抽象的化學知識,化作親近孩子的科學養分! ◆符合教育部108課綱◆科學素養先修◆ ★亞馬遜五顆星 家長孩子好評推薦★ ~不再懼怕化學,引發自學力和求知熱情~   宇宙中的所有一切都是用 118 個元素組成, 這些元素集合排列成的表格,就是讓人頭痛的元素週期表。 在還沒好好認識這些抽象名詞前,我們常常就在「背誦」這道魔王題卡關。 其實...

