The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings

作者:Williams, Nathan/ Payne, Rebecca Parker (CON)/ Fitzgerald, Parker (PHT)/ Patrone, Leo (PHT)

   《The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings》是《Kinfolk》首度嘗試推出的食譜集,延續雜誌一貫的編輯風格,畫面乾淨俐落,圖文疏落有致。書中邀集了45位橫跨各行各業的參與者,包括藝人、部落客、大廚、作家、麵包師傅與工匠等,每人提供一至三道最樂於分享的家常料理,從一個人的野餐到六個人的大餐都完整收錄。每一道食譜除了明確的製作步驟,讀者們還能透過參與者們的背景介紹,感染他們美妙、簡單與自然質樸的生活態度。(文/博客來編譯)
Kinfolk magazine--launched to great acclaim and instant buzz in 2011--is a quarterly journal about understated, unfussy entertaining. The journal has captured the imagination of readers nationwide, with content and an aesthetic that reflect a desire to go back to simpler times; to take a break from our busy lives; to build a community around a shared sensibility; and to foster the endless and energizing magic that results from sharing a meal with good friends. Now there's The Kinfolk Table, a cookbook from the creators of the magazine, with profiles of 45 tastemakers who are cooking and entertaining in a way that is beautiful, uncomplicated, and inexpensive. Each of these home cooks--artisans, bloggers, chefs, writers, bakers, crafters--has provided one to three of the recipes they most love to share with others, whether they be simple breakfasts for two, one-pot dinners for six, or a perfectly composed sandwich for a solo picnic.


   As the founding editor of Kinfolk magazine, Nathan Williams works with a team of photographers, writers, illustrators, and designers in a collaborative effort to encourage a natural approach to entertaining. He lives with his wife, Katie, in Portland, Oregon, and travels to host a Kinfolk dinner series across the United States and in other countries.
