
作者:Manthorpe, Jim

Henry Stedman is a walker of considerable experience, having hiked in many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, and he has been writing guidebooks for more than 20 years. He’s the author of five other...

作者:Stedman, Henry

Henry Stedman wrote the first edition of this title and is a hiker of considerable experience, having hiked in many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. He has been writing guidebooks for more than a ...

作者:Stedman, Henry,McCrohan, Daniel

Henry Stedman is a walker of considerable experience, having hiked in many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, who has been writing guidebooks for more than 20 years. He’s the author and co-author of...

作者:Grant, Shauna J.

With a love for all things pink and magical, Shauna J. Grant is a cartoonist who creates cuteness! Shauna is on a mission to add diversity to the comics community by creating stories that feature B...


延續魔法與人生選擇 暢銷《神奇柑仔店》作者廣嶋玲子新店「十年屋」開張 為您守護最重要的物品與回憶,並保證物品十年無損, 代價是一年的人生,你敢不敢交換?     【魔法十年屋1:想不想試試時間的魔法?】     有些心愛的物品,即使壞了也捨不得丟。   正因為是充滿回憶的物品,所以也希望可以把它們好好保管在某個地方。   歡迎光臨魔法師開放給有緣人的魔法十年屋,   能用魔法為你保管重要的...

作者:Martin, Ann M.

Ann M. Martin is the creator of The Baby-sitters Club, which has more than 190 million books in print, making it one of the most popular series in the history of publishing. Her novels include A Co...


  身為精靈族的芙莉蓮與同伴欣梅爾、艾冉、海塔花了10年打倒了魔王凱旋回到王都,眾人接受了國王接見與表揚。正值每隔50年出現一次的半世紀流星雨,芙莉蓮還天真地說下次要帶大家去一個很棒的地方欣賞流星。然而50年對於身為精靈的她根本不算什麼,然而下次見面時欣梅爾已經成了老頭子,還自嘲這是最後一次跟大家相聚。後來欣梅爾的離世讓芙莉蓮開始思考時間與生命的意義…。   身為精靈的主角‧芙莉蓮對於時...

作者:Grant, Shauna J.

With a love for all things pink and magical, Shauna J. Grant is a cartoonist who creates cuteness! Shauna is on a mission to add diversity to the comics community by creating stories that feature B...


善用考試前7天, 總分立刻增加30%! 7天,對許多考生來說只是一個星期, 但對怪物講師來說,就是你與金色證書的距離!   來自韓國的「最強多益怪物講師」、「多益滿分製造機」Neo講師,   教你運用最強的「考前高分三步驟」,   步驟一:快速刷題,培養答題臨場感。   步驟二:針對有把握題型,熟能生巧。   步驟三:針對不熟悉的觀念,立即全面破解得高分。   只練習最能衝高分數的題型,...


書本,是我們最後的避難所。 閱讀,是我們僅存的抵抗方式!   美國Amazon書店當月選書!Goodreads書評網、圖書館雜誌年度最受期待的書!   橫掃紐約時報、今日美國報、華盛頓郵報暢銷排行榜!   特別收錄:【作家】盧郁佳 重磅書評!【一頁華爾滋】Kristin、【作家】馬欣、【作家】許菁芳、【作家】蔣亞妮、【作家】蔡慶樺、【「閱讀人」主編】鄭俊德 非讀不可推薦!   相較於...



睽違五年,繼【修煉】【仙靈傳奇】後, 年度暢銷作家陳郁如,全新奇幻大系! 跨越生死的世界觀,身歷其境的場景描繪,開啟前所未有的閱讀體驗   自古以來,生命逝去後會化為靈心,前往養心池等待重回人世;   然而,若一個人生前帶著遺憾、怨恨等負面情緒,   靈心便會被帶往名為滯心澤的黑暗沼澤,遭受永恆的禁錮。       千年來,滯心澤不斷進犯養心池奪取靈心,   傳說滯心澤背後的力量來自...

作者:Martin, Ann M.

Ann M. Martin is the creator of The Baby-sitters Club, which has more than 190 million books in print, making it one of the most popular series in the history of publishing. Her novels include A Co...

作者:Marvel Comics,Verheiden, Mark,Henkel, Franz

