
作者:Smith, Joanne M.

作者:Choueke, Mark

A former award-winning journalist, Mark has built a reputation as a leader with a 20-year career at the heart of the global B2B marketing and communications arena. He’s been the ’media’, the ’agenc...

作者:Grytzmann, Oliver

Wie Sie als Vertriebler mit der richtigen Story und den passenden Bildern zum Vertragsabschluss kommen, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxis-Ratgeber. F r Vertriebler wie Sie hat Oliver Grytzmann diese Sc...


  如何以產能capacity來談接單競爭力?如何用備份產能(buffer capacity)接急單?老闆要砍在地庫存,不但不准丟單還要求成長30%,業務該怎麼溝通才好?介紹技術藍圖technical roadmap的重點為何?如何和PM打交道順利拿RFP?回應客戶對QA/QC疑慮的好說詞。    B2B業務靠專業談技術、談生產、談品質,最忌讓對方一問三不知,當場傻眼。本書涵蓋並串連B2B...

作者:La Rocca, Antonella

Antonella La Rocca is Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business, France, where she teaches B2B marketing. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing and o...

作者:Flashman, Gay

Global audiences are sceptical about advertising content, banner ads and promotional messaging at the best of times. In the B2B space, building an authentic brand is even harder because buying deci...


  如何發表Roadmap產品藍圖?每年都為預算與和銷售目標傷腦筋嗎?Tier 1與Tier 2客戶該如何培養?參展現場怎麼說才有效?通路夥伴自相殘殺該如何處理?   B2B行銷與業務多半不分家。業務談行銷,最忌只有空洞不著邊際術語口號。本書涵蓋並串連B2B行銷各式情境(scenarios),如Roadmap產品藍圖制定與簡報、新產品開發協作、價格調漲行動方案、通路客戶與OEM/ODM直接...

作者:Irving, Jim

作者:Burgess, Bev

Bev Burgess is an industry expert in marketing business services, predominantly in the technology sector. She is Senior Vice President at the Information Technology Services Marketing Association (...

作者:Kreutzer, Ralf T.,Rumler, Andrea,Wille-Baumkauff, Benjamin

Ralf T. Kreutzer, Andrea Rumler und Benjamin Wille-Baumkauff erl utern, wie B2B-Unternehmen einen kompetenten Online-Auftritt erreichen. Dazu z hlt neben einer empf ngerorientiert ausgestalteten Co...

