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The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


Mrs Wordsmith is a team of award-winning artists, game designers, writers, data scientists, teachers, and researchers. It was founded in 2015 by Sofia Fenichell, a mother and writer. Schools weren’...

作者:Furman, Katherine/ Nguyen, Dan

作者:Gladwin, Laura

Laura Gladwin trained at Leith’s School of Food and Wine before working as a freelance chef. She then spent five years at one of London’s biggest party design companies, where she devised spectacul...

作者:Van Der Hulst, Astrid,Smit, Irene


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...

作者:Alderfer, Jonathan,Dunn, Jon

JON L. DUNN and JONATHAN ALDERFER are the authors of many of National Geographic’s renowned birding books, including the 7th edition of the Field Guide to the Birds of North America, called canonic...

作者:Sanchez, Mireille

Mireille Sanchez is a French culinary columnist and author of several cookbooks. She dedicated more than seven years tracing the spread of chicken throughout the world, collecting over 1,000 recipes.


  韓劇天天看,每一句都聽懂了嗎?   好想聽懂韓星上節目都在說些什麼嗎?   韓語怎麼學都只會那幾句嗎?      「撒郎嘿唷」太簡單、「坎姆薩米達」不夠看!   你絕對沒見識過、超級豪華版韓語會話學習書!   韓國人每天都在說、學韓文一定都要會的韓語金句8,000。      韓國人親自撰寫、專業中韓翻譯員審訂   韓國人隨口說都是這1/8000句   保證最道地、最完整、最有趣的...

作者:Victoria Chang

本書特色   你知道嗎?   西班牙語已躍升為世界第二大語言!   使用人口位居世界第三,多達五億人!   西語更是未來最具發展潛力的語言,   學會西語你可以輕易通行全球,   大大提升你的國際競爭力!   想要快速學好西語只有一個重點,   就是學好「關鍵單字」!   單字,是句子的關鍵。   只要能靈活運用「關鍵單字」,   就能清楚表達、順暢溝通!     不會講整句西語,那就講「...


繼《風格練習》後最強文豪續作 引起日本累計爆紅15萬冊 120人文豪&名人的文體奇想   因為標題太奇葩引起話題!   《大仿寫!文豪的100種速食炒麵寫作法》的最強文豪續作!   以「假如是由文豪來寫速食炒麵的說明書……?」為起點,創造120篇大仿寫的文體奇想:     《論語》〈學而第一〉→「食而第一」   卡夫卡《變形記》→「變麵記」   王家衛《重慶森林》→「瀝水森林」   卡繆《...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...

作者:Kerra Tsai

本書特色                                   《臨時需要用到的一個字》   教你用「關鍵單字」說出你想說的話!   無法說出一句完整的句子?   那就講「關鍵單字」就夠了!   只要靈活運用「關鍵單字」,   就算無法完整說出一句話,   也能清楚表達、順暢溝通!   單字,是句子的關鍵。   用「關鍵字」+「關鍵字」,   讓你和外國人對答如流、溝通無...

