

Giorgio Luciano is a researcher at the National Research Council of Italy at the "Giulio Natta" Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (Scitec-Cnr). He started to be interested in multivar...


  本辭典內容豐富,共收錄逾1.5萬個涵蓋醫護人員常用之縮寫字詞,依字母A,B,C,......,Z排序,口袋書形式,大小合宜,更方便攜帶及隨時查閱。   本次改版除了參考國外最新之醫學辭典及縮寫辭典,亦配合醫療相關法規、醫療技術及最新傳染病等收錄常用之專業縮寫字彙,如:DSM-5(精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第五版)、HAI(醫療照護相關感染)、HSCT(造血幹細胞移植)、H1N1~H7N9流...

作者:薛承君、Jonathan、Chen-Ken Seak




作者:Campbell, Michael J.

作者:Pan, Rong,Rigdon, Steven E.,Champ, Charles

Rong Pan is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering in the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering at Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. degree in I...

作者:Ensor, Katherine Bennett,Raun, Loren Hopkins,Persse, David

作者:Frery, Alejandro,Wu, Jie,Gomez, Luis

Alejandro C. Frery is a Professor of Statistics and Data Science at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University at Wellington, New Zealand. Frery earned his Ph. D in Applied Compu...

作者:Yu, Hwa-Lung/ Christakos, George

This book provides an introduction to the theoretical development and practical methodology of the so-called science-based spatiotemporal statistics. The book capitalizes on the significance of int...

作者:Sternstein, Martin

Dr. Martin Sternstein is a long-time College Board Consultant and has been a Reader and Table Leader for the AP Statistics exam for many years. He has strong interests in national educational and s...

作者:The Princeton Review

The experts at The Princeton Review have been helping students, parents, and educators achieve the best results at every stage of the education process since 1981. The Princeton Review has helped m...


#英國Amazon網站1,700多位讀者,四顆半星強力推薦! #英國劍橋大學統計學權威,帶給你最有趣、最有價值的統計思維   統計學如何幫助我們了解世界? 當資料不完美,我們能做出可靠的結論嗎? 在資料科學的時代,統計學如何與時俱進? 當疫情來襲,我們如何自己做好觀念上的準備?   在許多領域中,統計學都是必備的技能;在人工智慧的時代,統計在商務上的運用也越來越重要。 但是一般的統計學內容,...

作者:Haghighi, Aliakbar Montazer,Wickramasinghe, Indika

Dr. Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi is Professor and Head of the Mathematics Department at Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA. He received his Ph. D. in Probability and Statistics from Case Western...

作者:Kranzler, John H.,Anthony, Christopher J.

John H. Kranzler is professor and director of the school psychology program in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, & Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. He earned ...

