
作者:Song, Xuguang

This book provides in-depth analyses on accounting methods of GDP, statistic calibers and comparative perspectives on Chinese GDP. Beginning with an exploration of international comparisons of GDP,...


《最強英文寫作指南》 保證世界最強,全球學霸都在用! 風靡歐美一流大學的「4大寫作技巧」; 強化「5大寫作文體」的段落邏輯訓練, 讓你英文寫作下筆如神,強到沒對手!     ★ 最強1 全球通用的寫作公式   牛津、劍橋、哈佛等歐美一流大學學生必學;台灣各大院校英文寫作課必修的經典公式!本書教你用老外的邏輯,寫出自然流暢的完美英文!     ★ 最強2 段落拆解與邏輯訓練   本書以簡易「人...

作者:Li, Ling (EDT)/ Zheng, Jiafu (EDT)/ Yu, Zeyuan (EDT)

In this book, the authors pursue quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches, conducting hundreds of large-scale surveys and in-depth interviews in 679 schools, 67 counties and 13 provin...

作者:Liu, Xin

Good books capture critical moments. Liu has captured one here.Asian AnthropologyThe book as a piece of writing is fluid and graceful. Liu's ethnographic accounts are indeed masterly--deftly weavin...

作者:Jeung, Russell M./ Fong, Seanan S./ Kim, Helen Jin

Fifty-two percent of Chinese Americans report having no religious affiliation, making them the least religiously-identified ethnic group in the United States. But that statistic obscures a much mor...

作者:Connelly, Michael

  麥可.康納利被譽為「優雅且深具洞察力」的犯罪小說作家、躋身美國最優秀的大師作家之林。   本書為贏得美國偵探小說愛倫坡大獎之作!鮑許探長首次現身!     「《黑暗回聲》是我拜讀過最具原創性犯罪小說之一。故事精彩獨特,緊扣讀者心弦至最後一頁……。康納利勾勒道德黑暗地帶功力堪與康拉德(Joseph Conrad)媲美。很難相信這是康納利首部小說作品。我深信他在文壇前途無可限量。」   —...

