【問題】Net income?推薦回答

作者:Fevurly, Keith R.

Get your financial life in order. This comprehensive and objective guidebook will help you grow your net worth on a steady and increasing basis, regardless of your income level.This new and expande...

作者:Graham, Cole

Investopedia says, "Rental Property Investing is a preferred strategy for people looking for a second income and can invest in something that will appreciate slowly over time"One of the biggest pro...

作者:Campbell, Andrea Louise

When Andrea Louise Campbell's sister-in-law, Marcella Wagner, was run off the freeway by a hit-and-run driver, she was seven-and-a-half months pregnant. She survived--and, miraculously, the baby wa...

作者:Neilson, Joseph

In 2005 Joe was 61 years old, without a job or pension, with Social Security still five years away. He needed steady monthly income NOW Cash flow was the priority. He searched for a real opportuni...

作者:Martinez, Matthew A.

"Matthew's newest book, Investing in Apartment Buildings, couldn't have come at a more poignant time in our lives. He offers a modern day, step-by-step survival guide for the ever growing economic ...

作者:Sabatier, Grant

上班賺錢只是過程 並不是目的 唯有盡快財務獨立 人生才能真正的自由   時間比金錢更貴重,因為我們無法賺到時間。這就是我們必須追求財務自由,提早退休的原因:過著真正屬於自己的人生。   作者出社會工作三年之後失業,銀行帳戶裡只剩下2.26美元。24歲的他,用了人生4,700個小時的時間在工作上,不僅什麼都沒剩下,還有卡債、學貸、房租要還……   接下來他透過儲蓄、投資、副業,用5...

作者:Adams, Paul

People, as a rule, will work hard within cultural common sense and just assume that all will go well. But, "right now, 90 million Americans are faced with the most critical investment challenges of...

作者:Bock, Wally,Senné, Jeff

Wally Bock and Jeff Senné are the authors of Net Income: Cut Costs, Boost Profits, and Enhance Operations Online, published by Wiley.

作者:Hamilton, Leah

This book explores the incentives and effects of modern welfare policy, contrasted with outcomes of global basic income pilots in the past seventy years. The author contends that paternalistic and ...

作者:Fotopulos, Dawn

"I don't have time to look at the numbers." "That's what the accountant is for." "I can see what the balance is--that's all I need to know." Why do so many business owners dread looking at the numb...

作者:Destefanis, Joey

Stock Market for Life is a short and easy to understand guide to investing based on ten years of teaching the Stock Market Game. The worksheets have helped hundreds of students grasp fundamental ev...

作者:Firestone, Bruce M.

Many people are tired of poor returns on their bank savings accounts, pension plans, insurance policies, t-bills, IRAs, 401(k)s, bonds and mutual funds as well as stock portfolios. Why do so many o...

作者:Hamilton, Leah

Leah Hamilton is Associate Professor of Social Work at Appalachian State University, USA. She is an Executive Committee member for the Basic Income Earth Network and President of the American Civil...

作者:Inchauste, Gabriela (EDT)/ Lustig, Nora (EDT)

The World Bank has partnered with the Commitment to Equity Institute at Tulane University to implement their diagnostic tool--the Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Assessment--designed to assess how taxat...

