The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Low- and Middle-Income Countries | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Low- and Middle-Income Countries

作者:Inchauste, Gabriela (EDT)/ Lustig, Nora (EDT)

The World Bank has partnered with the Commitment to Equity Institute at Tulane University to implement their diagnostic tool--the Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Assessment--designed to assess how taxation and public expenditures affect income inequality, poverty, and different economic groups. The approach relies on comprehensive fiscal incidence analysis, which measures the contribution of each individual intervention to poverty and inequality reduction as well as the combined impact of taxes and social spending. The CEQ Assessment provide an evidence base upon which alternative reform options can be analyzed. The use of a common methodology makes the results comparable across countries. This volume presents eight country studies that examine the distributional effects of individual programs and policy measures--and the net effect of each country's mix of policies and programs. These case studies were produced in the context of Bank policy dialogue and have since been used to propose alternative reform options.

The World Bank came into formal existence in 1945 following the international ratification of the Bretton Woods agreements. It is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The organization’s activities are focused on education, health, agriculture and rural development, environmental protection, establishing and enforcing regulations, infrastructure development, governance and legal institutions development. The World Bank is made up of two unique development institutions owned by its 185 Member Countries. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries and the International Development Association (IDA), which focuses on the poorest countries in the world.
