
作者:Roula, Amira


  保險科技(Insurtech)帶給保險業的影響與衝擊是全面性的,無論是從產品、銷售通路、核保、理賠、後台作業與客服等傳統價值鏈,都將被保險科技帶來的創新所澈底顛覆。保險科技對於保險業的影響及未來發展趨勢,表現在以下幾個層面:   1. 傳統保險價值鏈因新科技、新業者的出現而全面裂解   2. 因應新的消費者生活型態,產生新的保險商品需求   3. 智慧聯網科技大行其道,連結型保險商品將...

作者:Gupta, Pranay/ Tham, T. Mandy

This extraordinary book, written by leading players in a burgeoning technology revolution, is about the merger of finance and technology (fintech), and covers its various aspects and how they impac...

作者:Cappiello, Antonella

The book analyzes the role of technology in the redefinition of the competitiveness of insurance markets. With a focus on the competitive challenges of InsurTech startup to the incumbent insurers, ...


作者:Vanderlinden, Sabine L. B. (EDT)/ Millie, Shan M. (EDT)/ Anderson, Nicole (EDT)/ Chishti, Susanne (EDT)

The definitive compendium for the Insurance Digital RevolutionFrom slow beginnings in 2014, InsurTech has captured US$7billion in investment since 2010 -- a 10% annual compound growth rate is predi...

作者:Chuen, David Lee Kuo (EDT)/ Deng, Robert H. (EDT)

Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 1: Cryptocurrency, FinTech, InsurTech, and Regulation explores recent advances in digital banking and cryptocurrency, emphasizing mobi...

