
作者:Clement, Mary C.

Designed for every senior in an education program, as well as those who seek to change careers into education, this book is truly the one-stop guide to getting a teaching job. The book takes the re...



作者:Villars, Bbi De Montfaucon De N.

When you have been enrolled among the Children of the Philosophers... you will straightaway discover that the Elements are inhabited by most perfect beings. Unhappy Adam's sin has deprived his unfo...

作者:Comiled by Morton Benson...等

  搭配連用是學英文相當棘手的一環。不確定某個名詞應該搭配什麼動詞或介系詞,就寫不出道地英文。一般詞典在這方面的幫助有限,因此學習英文必備一本英語搭配詞典。BBI英語搭配詞典是該領域最簡明、最精確的一本。   本書第一版1987年甫出版就得到English-Speaking Union「極力推薦」(Highly Recommended)的殊榮。本書第三版於2009年底推出,內容全面修訂及擴充...

作者:Benson, Morton/ Benson, Evelyn/ Ilson, Robert

作者:Benson, Morton/ Benson, Evelyn/ Ilson, Robert

作者:Benson, Morton (COM)/ Benson, Evelyn (COM)/ Ilson, Robert (COM)

作者:Benson, Morton/ Benson, Evelyn/ Ilson, Robert

作者:Benson, Morton/ Benson, Evelyn/ Ilson, Robert/ Young, Richard

作者:Ilson, Robert/ Benson, Morton (COM)/ Benson, Evelyn (COM)

作者:Benson, Morton (EDT)/ Benson, Evelyn (EDT)/ Ilson, Robert F. (EDT)

