【問題】zero to one中文?推薦回答

作者:Li, Xiang, Ph.D. (EDT)

Booming Mainland Chinese outbound travel is one of the most exciting phenomena in the world tourism industry's recent history. From 2000 to 2010, Chinese outbound travel increased at a compounded a...


文章開頭要怎麼「破題」?! 要如何「組織論述」?! 又要如何「下結論」?! 不必絞盡腦汁怎麼寫,只要會「套用」再「替換」就行!   超過 500 句的百搭公式英文句,供你隨查隨用!   依「開場白、本文、結論」歸納出 200 個主題 + 20 篇文章範例,   讓你快速找到符合主題的用詞,免思考立刻套用,   迅速完成一篇正確無誤又高分的英文作文!   不論是考托福、雅思等作文測驗,還是寫...

作者:Liu, Qiao

This book argues that that the rise of great firms - those with sustainable high return on invested capital (ROIC) - will lay the foundation for China's successful economic transformation. Drawn fr...

作者:Liu, Qiao

This book argues that that the rise of great firms - those with sustainable high return on invested capital (ROIC) - will lay the foundation for China's successful economic transformation. Drawn fr...

作者:Batten, Bruce Loyd

A thousand years ago, most visitors to Japan would have arrived by ship at Hakata Bay, the one and only authorized gateway to Japan. Hakata was the location of the K rokan, an official guest-house ...

作者:Buddy HuangEvan Yanagi

  After completion of the Body Source Code Book, we continue with the exploration of our secret numbers. We can change our names at any time, but our birthdays are unchangeable. The numbers derived...

作者:Marc Randolph

NETFLIX誕生的故事 每一個好點子背後,都有一千個壞點子。   再瘋狂的點子,去做就對了! <<>>     Netflix共同創辦人暨第一任執行長馬克‧藍道夫,   娓娓道來Netflix如何從一個「概念」變成貨真價實的「企業」。     很久很久以前,實體的錄影帶租片店稱霸地球。太晚還片?那就罰錢。影片串流是什麼,可以吃嗎?DVD會統一天下?那就跟車子會飛是一樣的。沒錯,馬克...

作者:Hope, Polly

For over fifty years, From Our Own Correspondent has been one of BBC Radio 4's flagship programmes. Every week BBC foreign correspondents, journalists and writers reflect on current headlines, ofte...


  「英文可以這樣學?」   一本讓英文老師緊張的工具書來了!     「原來我們都花了太多時間在學永遠用不到的東西……」   離開了校園後,才發現學習是要發自內心的學習!   而且,不只要準,還要快!     今年,為自己認真學一次英文   我們只教你用得到的文法!   只教你用得到的會話!   用20%的時間,學會80%用得到的英文吧!   在不知不覺中,你會發現自己英文正在神速進步中。...

作者:Townsend, Jessica

The captivating and heart-pounding sequel to the New York Times bestselling and #1 Kids' Indie Next Pick Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, as heroine Morrigan battles a new evil--now in paper...

作者:Sides, Hampton

"Superb...A masterpiece of thorough research, deft pacing and arresting detail...This war story -- the fight to break out of a frozen hell near the Chosin Reservoir -- has been told many times befo...

作者:Kumar, Alok

To understand modern science as a coherent story, it is essential to recognize the accomplishments of the ancient Hindus. They invented our base-ten number system and zero that are now used globall...

作者:Yancey, Rick

  1.《第五波》The 5th Wave   全美書迷引頸期盼,美國媒體盛讚,   繼《暮光之城》《飢餓遊戲》之後最受期待科幻愛情首選   改編電影《第五毀滅》超殺女克蘿伊主演   【得獎紀錄】   ★《紐約時報》年度暢銷系列作   ★《今日美國》年度暢銷系列作   ★《華盛頓郵報》年度青少年最佳小說   ★ Amazon網路書店年度青少年最佳小說   ★ Goodreads全美最大書...

作者:Van Tilborg, Henk C. A.

The protection of sensitive information against unauthorized access or fraudulent changes has been of prime concern throughout the centuries. Modern communication techniques, using computers connec...

作者:Acharya, Amitav

The age of Western hegemony is over. Whether or not America itself declines or thrives under President Trump's leadership, the post-war liberal international order underpinned by US military, econo...
