
作者:Hughes, Bill

The bestselling guide to your new SamsungThis book documents all the features and capabilities of Samsung Galaxy S10 device, approaching them from the point of view of a user who is intimidated by ...

作者:Jackson, Wallace

Gain concepts central to smartwatch design, editing and animation correction using the popular open source Galaxy Watch Designer software package. This visual guide builds upon the essential concep...

作者:Blokdyk, Gerard




  他花了將近一年時間才替女兒找到一個他還算滿意的保母,   她以前當過護士,各方面的經歷條件都不錯,女兒也很喜歡她,   唯獨有個缺點,就是她太像他去世的妻子了,   她沉思時會下意識撫著項鍊墜飾的動作、不吃紅蘿蔔的壞習慣,   還有側臉的某個角度,全都好像好像……而且經過一段時日的相處,   他發現她有些奇怪,像是只要他在場,她就無法自在的說說笑笑,   明明她是為了保護女兒才會受傷,為...

作者:Hughes, Bill

The bestselling guide to getting the most out of your Android Samsung Galaxy S9Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies documents all the features and capabilities of this popular smartphone, approaching them...

作者:Barron, Jude

The newest version of the Samsung Galaxy comes in two models, the 5.8 inch Samsung Galaxy S8 and the 6.2 inch Samsung Galaxy S8+. This book, however, will focus only on the Samsung Galaxy S8. Weigh...


  如果機械人擁有選擇的權利,   我的選擇是──   「我想要永遠守護妳。」   華爾基麗被自由旗手擄走後,   夏崎與蘿蔓小姐一方面尋找她的下落,   一方面還是要處理上門的委託──   攸關人類與女僕「下半身」幸福的這樣那樣的煩惱!   雖然賽姬試圖讓機械人獲得自由的行動失敗,   一場機械人維權大遊行,卻醞釀著足以顛覆   世界秩序的革命!作為機械人的夏崎,和身為人類的   蘿蔓小...

