【問題】iphone 12 applecare+價格?推薦回答

作者:Kempson, Sibyl

Kempson is a writer, director, and performer. Her plays have been presented in the United States, Germany, and Norway. As a performer, Kempson has toured internationally with Nature Theater of Okla...


|| 感謝12萬讀者們的溫柔以待 || 誠品書店,博客來、金石堂暢銷經典之作   「我許願著,有一天我可以強大到把溫柔都給別人。」 ──不朽     走過青春的旅程,在歲月裡學會愛人,歷經失去和遺憾,慢慢在時間裡與回憶共處,溫柔不息。餘生之後,要更喜歡自己呀。     新增五篇從首版初刷到現今的[自己],是最初也是最真切的回望。     時間從我們身上躥過,那些...


X機器人戰隊接受異星調查局指揮,組成X星際探險隊! 百折不撓的小宇、聰明冷靜的小尚、誠實可靠的石頭, 將再次帶領大家展開全新的旅程,解開宇宙的神祕謎團!   宇宙帝王只用了一招,就擊敗重機戰隊!   小宇可以順利找到祕密武器,展開絕地大反攻嗎?   小宇一行人在蠻羅薩星上被外星怪獸圍攻,進退不得,此時,凱恩決定犧牲自己來引開怪獸!另一方面,宇宙帝王羅洛提恢復力量後,帶領幽暗術士大舉進攻地...

作者:Shirakome, Ryo

Ryo Shirakome is a Japanese author best known for Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest. Takaya-ki is a Japanese artist best known for illustrating the light novel series Arifureta: From...

作者:Kaiser, Shannon

Shannon Kaiser is the bestselling author of five books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment, including The Self-Love Experiment, Adventures for Your Soul, and Joy Seeker. As an internatio...

作者:McMeekin, Gail


Musawo is the creator of the manga Love & Lies, which was adapted into a popular anime. It is Musawo’s first series to be published in English.

作者:Simon Ng

使用最新Xcode 10 × iOS 12 × Swift 4.2開發 知名iOS教學部落格AppCoda作家親授實作關鍵技巧讓你不NG   介紹iOS 12的新技術 × Step by Step實戰操作解說 × 做出具有設計感且支援雲端運用、地圖、3D Touch與使用者通知等功能的App × 支援最新的iPhone XR   本書是作者集結廣受歡迎的iOS教學文章,並收納全球數千名讀...

