【問題】operating cycle公式?推薦回答

作者:Evans, Martin

Martin Evans is Professor of Geomorphology at the University of Manchester, UK. He has studied physical geography at Oxford and the University of British Columbia, and worked at the University of D...

作者:Hughes, James E.,Massenzio, Susan E.,Whitaker, Keith

作者:Evans, Martin

Martin Evans is Professor of Geomorphology at the University of Manchester, UK. He has studied physical geography at Oxford and the University of British Columbia, and worked at the University of D...

作者:Hotchkin, Robert

Robert Hotchkin is the founder of Men on the Frontlines, and is a core leader of Patricia King Ministries. He hosts the Heroes Arise broadcast, and is a regular guest and co-host on GodTV’s Superna...

作者:Shalk, Khader/ Choudhry, Moorad (FRW)

"I am sure practitioners, auditors, and regulators will find the content of Mr Shaik's book of value. The accessible style is also welcome. All in all, a worthwhile addition to the finance literatu...

作者:Guinte, Jeroen B. (EDT)/ Gorree, Marieke (EDT)/ Heijungs, Reinout (EDT)/ Huppes, Gjalt (EDT)/ Kleijn, Rene (EDT)

Environmental policy aims at the transition to sustainable production and consumption. This is taking place in different ways and at different levels. In cases where businesses are continuously act...

作者:Heywood, John B./ Sher, Eran/ Society of Automotive Engineers (COR)

This book addresses the two-stroke cycle internal combustion engine, used in compact, lightweight form in everything from motorcycles to chainsaws to outboard motors, and in large sizes for marine ...

作者:Okazaki, Takashi

Takashi Okazaki, PhD, worked in the Energy Research Laboratory of Hitachi Ltd for more than 35 years. Until 2003, he was Director of the Japanese Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Resear...


股價什麼叫「便宜」?什麼叫「貴」? 這是令許多新手投資人最頭痛的事!   沒有錯,有一大堆指標可以評價股價,但是都有太多的灰色空間可以「調整」。   這讓許多人就處在猶豫當中,低了不敢買,高了捨不得賣!   本書作者是有多年操盤經驗的基金經理人。在實務上他用一個簡單、沒有灰色空間的方法來挑選「便宜」的股票,並標示「貴」的股票,所以操作當中毫無懸念。   你只要克服人性的弱點,就能追求到...

作者:Ellen StonerPatricia PerkinsRoy Ferguson

不讓光學公式計算成為你心中的痛!   《視覺光學公式祕笈》自2005年於美國出版以來,長銷美國驗光師考試用書領域,在Amazon獲4.5星極高評價。本書由淺入深系統性整理驗光人員考試中的光學公式,除了詳解試題演算過程供讀者融會貫通,更有計算機按法指南,讓你在考場上掌握先機比對手先算出答案。   全書共分七個章節,詳細解釋各公式適用的解題情境,並含有超過600題的練習題可供演算。不論是初學...


★著作累計超過12萬冊★ 一秒看出是「OK服」還是「NG服」! 人氣造型師專為素人打造的「基本款穿搭指南」, 輕鬆穿出與眾不同的自然時尚感!     「找到自己風格是件值得投資的事,提升形象之外,   更能省下亂買、買錯衣服的冤枉錢。」──郝慧川˙風格作家     想要穿什麼實在很麻煩?老是被叨唸穿得很無趣、不修邊幅?   花錢買了當季新款,穿起來卻「跟想像中不一樣」?     其實,穿搭的...

