【問題】matthew effect中文?推薦回答

作者:French, Paul/ Crabbe, Matthew

China's economy has boomed, but a potentially disastrous side effect - along with pollution and a growing income gap between urban and rural regions - is the effects obesity will have on the countr...

作者:French, Paul/ Crabbe, Matthew

China's economy has boomed, but a potentially disastrous side effect - along with pollution and a growing income gap between urban and rural regions - is the effects obesity will have on the countr...

作者:Kuang, Wenbo/ Jiang, Hang (TRN)/ Zhang, Ying (TRN)/ Wang, Quanli (TRN)/ Yang, Mifen (TRN)

Redefining the concept of new media in China, this cutting edge book discusses the impact of social media on Chinese public life. Examining its characteristics and the different forms of social med...

作者:Glass, Matthew/ Gigante, Phil (NRT)

November 2032, Joe Benton has just been elected the 48th president of the United States. Only days after winning, Benton learns from his predecessor that previous estimates regarding the effect of ...

作者:李明一 主編

本詞典主要收錄於20世紀末、21世紀初出現的英語新詞,收詞按描寫性原則,標准從寬,尤其注重收錄科技新詞;既收錄單個的詞,也收錄復合詞和縮略語。收詞的標准是:一、新詞有較多的例證支持,使用范圍較廣;二、未見於主流英漢雙語詞典(詳見體例說明)。所收詞目詞大部分是新造詞,但也收了若干舊詞新義(例如9lide path,ham)。有些詞雖然不是嚴格意義上的新詞,但是使用頻率較高而坊間的雙語詞典多有缺...

作者:Glass, Matthew

November 2032. Joe Benton has just been elected the forty-eighth president of the United States. Only days after winning, Benton learns from his predecessor that previous estimates regarding the ef...

作者:Glass, Matthew/ Gigante, Phil (NRT)

November 2032, Joe Benton has just been elected the 48th president of the United States. Only days after winning, Benton learns from his predecessor that previous estimates regarding the effect of ...

