
作者:Lefebvre, Mark Leslie

Mark’s highly successful experience in the publishing and bookselling industry spans more than three decades where he has worked in almost every type of brick and mortar, online, and digital bookst...

作者:Abe, Kobo/ Carpenter, Juliet Winters (TRN)

From the acclaimed author of Woman in the Dunes comes Secret Rendezvous, the bizarrely erotic and comic adventures of a man searching for his missing wife in a mysteriously vast underground hospit...

作者:Kobo, Abe/ Calichman, Richard F. (TRN)

In the aftermath of World War II, Kuki Kyūzō, a Japanese youth raised in the puppet state of Manchuria, struggles to return home to Japan. What follows is a wild journey involving drugs, smuggling,...

作者:Abe, Kobo

Like an elegantly chilling postscript to The Metamorphosis, this classic of postwar Japanese literature describes a bizarre physical transformation that exposes the duplicities of an entire world....

作者:Abe, Kobo

The Woman in the Dunes, by celebrated writer and thinker Kobo Abe, combines the essence of myth, suspense and the existential novel. After missing the last bus home following a day trip to the se...



作者:Gale, Cengage Learning


  「日本居世界第一位!」這是指每年發明專利申請件數而言。有識之士稱此現象乃:「平靜的發明熱潮」並不為過。  著者曾經替許多發明者服務;幾萬人,不,幾十萬人。現在每日仍照樣繼續指導幾十人的發明。在這些人當中,曾經出現過不少賺取外匯而致巨富的發明者,可是,這個比率僅僅佔百分之一或兩百分之一而已,發明致富者何其少呢?著實令人嘆惜。  「實業之本」出版社,曾慫恿著者道:「發明致富,一定有其可遵循之...

作者:Abe, Kobo/ Calichman, Richard F. (EDT)

Abe Kobo (1924-1993) was one of Japan's greatest postwar writers, widely recognized for his imaginative science fiction and plays of the absurd. However, he also wrote theoretical criticism for whi...

作者:Abe, Kobo

Kobo Abe, the internationally acclaimed author of Woman in the Dunes, combines wildly imaginative fantasies and naturalistic prose to create narratives reminiscent of the work of Kafka and Beckett....

作者:Abe, Kobo/ Calichman, Richard F. (TRN)

In the aftermath of World War II, Kuki Kyūzō, a Japanese youth raised in the puppet state of Manchuria, struggles to return home to Japan. What follows is a wild journey involving drugs, smuggling,...

作者:Abe, Kobo/ Calichman, Richard F. (EDT)

Abe Kobo (1924-1993) was one of Japan's greatest postwar writers, widely recognized for his imaginative science fiction and plays of the absurd. However, he also wrote theoretical criticism for whi...

作者:Abe, Kōbō

Donald Keene is Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature and University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University.

