
作者:Abe, Kōbō

Donald Keene is Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature and University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University.

作者:Abe, Kobo

The Woman in the Dunes, by celebrated writer and thinker Kobo Abe, combines the essence of myth, suspense and the existential novel. After missing the last bus home following a day trip to the se...

作者:Abe, Kobo

A classic from the renowned Japanese novelist about isolation and the threat of a nuclear holocaust, The Ark Sakura is as timely today as it was at its original publication. In this Kafkaesque alle...

作者:Beckstrand, Karl/ Hollenbach, David

(Spanish) Top 10 Best Books of 2011 "Striking ... works effortlessly on every level ... museum-quality, collage-like artwork ... raises the bar for all children's picture books" - ForeWord Reviews....

作者:Rimer, J. Thomas (EDT)/ Mori, Mitsuya (EDT)/ Poulton, M. Cody (EDT)

This anthology is the first to survey the full range of modern Japanese drama and make available Japan's best and most representative twentieth- and early-twenty-first-century works in one volume. ...

作者:Matthews, Jason

Have you written a book? Want to sell at Amazon, Apple, Google and other major retailers? Would you like to save time and money along the way? Welcome to self-publishing made easy, an A-Z guide wit...

作者:Kobo, Mark Staber

"That there is poetry is the only evidence that man truly exists." Mark Staber Kobo Mark Staber Kobo is a modern American poet and philosopher, also known by name Mark Chandos, author of the famou...

作者:Abe, Kobo/ Carpenter, Juliet Winters (TRN)

From the acclaimed author of Woman in the Dunes comes Secret Rendezvous, the bizarrely erotic and comic adventures of a man searching for his missing wife in a mysteriously vast underground hospit...


媒體、出版、電影、音樂…… 與你我切身相關的內容產業, 如何捍衛權利、迎戰雲端時代的數位化衝擊?   我有預感,出版人製作實體書的喜悅,總有一天會被網路剝奪。儘管如此,直到今日,我仍不斷在心中告訴自己:「書和唱片不一樣。」   然而,iPad的出現與iCloud的服務開始,證實了我的恐懼── ───角川歷彥   2012年,株式会社KADOKAWA在經歷漫長交涉過程後,達成與全球...

