
作者:Kazmi, Abbas (EDT)/ Shuttleworth, Peter (EDT)

The world's population is predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050 and this will increase food demand to levels never seen before. This will mean a significant increase in food co-products which are re...

作者:Kazmi, Syed Jazib Reza (TRN)

A compilation of glorious sermons and 100 golden sayings from Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib. Sermons and sayings are taken from various authentic books of hadith such as Biharul Anwar, ...

作者:Jamal Ahmed Kazmi, Syed

作者:Gupta, Gaurav,Kazmi, Imran,Upadhyay, Gaurav

作者:Kazmi, Zaheer

An innovative re-evaluation of the concept of anarchy in theorizing diplomacy between states which draws on a historically sensitive re-evaluation of the ideological uses of politeness in the anarc...

作者:Kazmi, Majid

作者:Kazmi, Z.

ZAHEER KAZMI is ESRC Mid-Career Fellow at the Faculty of History, University of Oxford, UK. He was formerly a senior research analyst at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and a senior ass...

作者:Saleem, Shakir,Alam, Jahangir,Kazmi, Imran

作者:Ghyas, Shamila,Kazmi, Humeira

作者:Kazmi, S. M. Ahsan,Khan, Latif U.,Tran, Nguyen H.

S. M. AHSAN KAZMI received his Master’s degree in Communication System Engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Sc...


★最暗黑又最受小孩歡迎的出租店正式開張,要不要租一個妖怪呢?★ 躲藏於生活暗處的妖怪不勝其數, 或許他們也能實現願望,但代價你可不一定付得起! 如果聽見來路不明的聲音或指引,千萬要小心……     在小學生間盛傳著「妖怪出租」的傳言……   一位穿著花稍和服的男子,會神出鬼沒的出現身邊,   他的外套藏著各種妖怪,每個都身懷絕技,   只要和他握個手,就能租到能夠幫助你的妖怪。     妖怪...


  科技發達的時代,科學家為了造福人類社會發明出人與動物的合成生物--「人型寵物」。   你看起來沒什麼精神呢!太努力的話,身心會很疲勞的,那種時候不妨到我們店裡--「可愛出租店」,來療癒一下你的身心吧?


  負責保護偶像團體STREET的「戲法型」保標COOL、  徒手檔下大卡車的「活力型」硬漢DON,以及「技術型」手塚國風──  由出租保鑣展開與職業殺手的一幕幕對決。  這群人絕非等閒之輩!!   本書更收錄夢幻的出道之作  「鐵人─世界第一硬漢─」!!   唔呼呼……很硬喔!  「硬起來啦啊啊──!!」


  歡迎回家,大小姐----掃除專家、紅茶達人、廚師、頂尖美容師、占卜師、醫生、藥劑師、僧侶、教師、寵物保姆等等,派遣公司Butler System中,登記著身懷各項特殊專長的執事。見習執事天上天河在派遣地的渡假村中,被捲入一起神秘事件,他會以偵探身分將事件完美解決嗎?在聖誕派對上擔任小小情侶的邱比特,情人節則進行手工巧克力的對決,天河每天在優秀的前輩們底下修行,要到何時才能成為獨當一面的執...

