
作者:Simon Ng

使用最新Xcode 9 × iOS 11 × Swift 4開發   介紹iOS 11的新技術 × Step by Step實戰操作解說 × 做出具有設計感且支援雲端運用、地圖、3D Touch與使用者通知等功能的App × 支援最新的iPhone X   本書是作者集結廣受歡迎的iOS教學文章,並收納全球數千名讀者的意見重新編寫而成。內容使用最新Xcode 9與Swift 4開發,並介...

作者:Parker, Geoffrey G./ Van Alstyne, Marshall W./ Choudary, Sangeet Paul

 ★《紐約時報》、《哈佛商業評論》《Forbes雜誌》等媒體推薦報導   第一本完整解析網路平台運作邏輯與競爭規則,   揭開平台鮮為人知的成敗關鍵,看懂網路連結世界的秘密。   數位連結網絡大顛覆,平台模式是主導當代經濟成長的最重要力量,   翻轉企業運作核心、影響你我的工作與生活、改變創造財富的方程式,需要全新思維。   Airbnb創立不到10年就活躍於119個國家,挑戰全球旅館...


熱賣暢銷回饋,學生家長紛紛反映:比請家教還有效!   本書是專為有心準備國中數學資優班及明星私校的小五、小六及國一(七年級)生,而設計的考前複習教材,具有以下特色:   ★ 獨創動態圖解法:   作者發現數學沒學好的原因,絕大多數跟孩子們的思考方式有關,為了解決這個問題,本書作者利用「動態圖解」的方式,來輔助題目的講解,透過啟發同學的想像力,將題目敘述轉換為具像的圖形,幫助同學理解題意...


  ★中英文版同步上市   ★《紐約時報》、《哈佛商業評論》《Forbes雜誌》等媒體推薦報導   第一本完整解析網路平台運作邏輯與競爭規則,   揭開平台鮮為人知的成敗關鍵,看懂網路連結世界的秘密。   數位連結網絡大顛覆,平台模式是主導當代經濟成長的最重要力量,   翻轉企業運作核心、影響你我的工作與生活、改變創造財富的方程式,需要全新思維。   Airbnb創立不到10年就活躍於...


Sprite Kit是Apple內建的框架,專門用於開發iOS的2D游戲。tvOS是Apple TV所使用的操作系統平台,可以將App和游戲等呈現到大屏幕的TV上。本書詳細介紹了如何使用Apple內建的2D游戲框架Sprite Kit和Swift語言來開發iOS和tVOS游戲。全書共分為5個部分29章。每個部分針對一類技術主題,並且通過一款生動的游戲的開發貫穿其中。當學習完每個部分的時候,讀...

作者:Myers, Mark

I wasn't smart enough to learn a computer language like Python-until I got smart about how to learn it.I was smart enough to earn an honors degree in philosophy from Harvard, but an aptitude test t...

作者:Myers, Mark

Learning JavaScript is hell because of two problems.I remove the problems, and you start having fun.The first problem is retention. You remember only ten or twenty percent of what you read. That sp...

作者:Newton, Lisa

At Last, The Missing Piece of 'The Secret' - What They Didn't Tell You .... You may have heard of 'The Secret and the law of attraction . Perhaps you've watched the movie or you've heard about thi...

作者:Smith, Tracey

Updated in 2019, this book introduces the topic of HR analytics and the business value it can create. A brief history of HR analytics is provided along with the topic of selecting metrics to encour...

作者:Smith, Tracey

Strategic workforce planning aims to proactively plan to put the right people, in the right place, at the right time at the right cost in order to mitigate workforce risk. Written by the former hea...

作者:Reads, Smart

Got an awesome Udemy course you want to share with the world? Awesome This book is here to help you reach a wider audience today. As fantastic as your course is, it's not going to sell unless you ...


本書是Java基礎教程類圖書,通過開發實際的桌面和移動應用,從實戰角度指導讀者快速上手Java編程。主要內容包括:Java、Eclipse和Android Studio的安裝與設置,JShell的用法,條件、循環、方法變量、類等Java編程概念,函數創建,GUI構建,代碼調試,常見錯誤的規避。本書適合所有對Java語言感興趣的初學者。 作者:[美]布賴森·佩恩(Bryson Payne...

作者:Spathopoulos, Vassilios Mcinnes

This book (see, www.physicsandsport.net), written by a university lecturer, presents the physical mechanisms governing a series of popular sports. The author's goal is twofold: on the one hand to g...

作者:Hill, Alun

See How I Make $1,000 Every Day After I Uploaded a Few Simple Courses To Udemy. Anyone Can Do This Udemy runs the world's online learning marketplace, where 10 million+ students are taking courses...

