【問題】Solvency II?推薦回答

作者:Koller, Michael

The aim of the book is to provide an overview of risk management in life insurance companies. The focus is twofold: (1) to provide a broad view of the different topics needed for risk management an...

作者:Dawson, Carol/ Johnston, Carol

Scarred by the deaths of his mother and sisters and the failure of his father''s business, a young man dreamed of making enough money to retire early and retreat into the secure world that his chil...

作者:D’amico, Guglielmo/ Di Biase, Giuseppe/ Janssen, Jacques/ Manca, Raimondo

Credit risk is one of the most important contemporary problems for banks and insurance companies. Indeed, for banks, more than forty percent of the equities are necessary to cover this risk. Though...

作者:Meyer, Thomas/ Mathonet, Pierre-yves

In recent times, venture capital and private equity funds have become household names, but so far little has been written for the investors in such funds, the so-called limited partners. There is f...

作者:Habart-corlosquet, Marine/ Janssen, Jacques/ Manca, Raimondo

With the impact of the recent financial crises, more attention must be given to new models in finance rejecting "Black-Scholes-Samuelson" assumptions leading to what is called non-Gaussian finance....

作者:Douady, Raphaël (EDT)/ Goulet, Clément (EDT)/ Pradier, Pierre-charles (EDT)

Financial regulation has dramatically evolved and strengthened since the crisis on both sides of the Atlantic, with enhanced international coordination through the G-20 and the Financial Stability ...

作者:Anastasopoulos, Dionysios

作者:O’donovan, Gabrielle

With the Solvency II deadline approaching, and full implementation expected from January 2016, affected entities are at varying states of readiness with embedding Solvency II into everyday practice...

