【問題】Samsung 螢幕 Analog?推薦回答

作者:Selvam, K. C.

K.C. Selvam is currently working as a technical officer in, department of electrical engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. He is doing research and development work for the las...

作者:Bernstein, Herbert

Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Bernstein taught the subjects Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Measurement Technology at the Technikerschule München. He is the author of numerous textbooks...

作者:Prasad, Rajeshwari

R. Prasad is an emeritus professor of physics, formerly Dean of the Faculty of Science and Chairman of the Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India. He has more than 40 years o...

作者:Garimella, Annajirao (EDT)/ Furth, Paul M. (EDT)

Annajirao Garimella is a Senior Analog Design Engineer at Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA. Paul M. Furth is an Associate Professor at New Mexico State University.


權威成癮專家兼醫學博士的驚人論點—— 螢幕科技對孩子的大腦產生嚴重不良的影響!   「螢光小孩」世代危機   捷運、餐廳、學校或馬路上,隨處可見低垂著頭、臉龐映光的孩子。新千禧世代過渡刺激又令人上癮的螢幕文化,讓全球性科技瘟疫迅速蔓延。在美國,二至十七歲的孩子之中,百分之九十七都打電玩!   不適齡螢幕科技,改變孩童的大腦。   大量接觸螢幕會刺激腦部活化多巴胺,腎上腺素狂飆,產生性愛般...


美國Amazon教育哲學類排行冠軍 認知神經學家、兒童發展專家瑪莉安・沃夫(Maryanne Wolf) 研究閱讀與大腦十餘年最新力作 ・你能夠專心讀書半小時不滑手機嗎? ・你更相信Google或維基,更甚於相信自己? ・你是新手父母,平板已儼然成為你家小孩的新款奶嘴? 兩千多年前,蘇格拉底曾憂心書本的發明會讓人類不再思考;兩千多年後,數位媒介的發明把這個憂慮推上了新的高峰。 數位媒介...


  幫幫我,小孩沉迷平板手機怎麼辦?   本書分析30年各領域專家研究,歸納500組家庭3C使用規範;   知名教育記者教你訂出妥善育兒計劃,從此不再焦慮   《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《赫芬頓郵報》《華盛頓郵報》《衛報》等知名媒體一致好評!   3C幾乎成為全能褓姆,   在你忙不過來的時候,陪孩子玩耍、學習,甚至幫你留意他們的健康,   有時比起孩子,離不開3C的,其實是身為家長...

作者:Marzuki, Arjuna

Arjuna Marzuki received the B.Eng (Hons) in Electronic (Communication) from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering of the University of Sheffield in United Kingdom, MSc from Universi...

作者:Hughes, Bill


Dr. Sangeeta Singh is an Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Patna, India. She has received the Engineering degree in Electronics & Communication Engin...

作者:Canelas, António Manuel Lourenço,Guilherme, Jorge Manuel Correia,Horta, Nuno Cavaco Gomes

António Canelas received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2010, 2012 and 2019, respectively. In 2...

