
作者:Lieu, Nhi T.

In her research on popular culture of the Vietnamese diaspora, Nhi T. Lieu explores how people displaced by war reconstruct cultural identity in the aftermath of migration. Embracing American democ...

作者:Trinh, Nhi-ha (EDT)/ Rho, Yanni Chun (EDT)/ Lu, Francis G. (EDT)/ Sanders, Kathy Marie (EDT)

Asian Americans are the fastest growing minority group in the United States. When Asian immigrants arrive in the United States, they regularly encounter a vast number of difficulties integrating th...


  本書乃是《華語教學》系列之一,專為學習華語一到兩年的外籍人士所設計的。隨書附贈華語聽力練習光碟,所以不論是作為課堂的授課用書,或是自學教材,都非常適合。      本書特色   1. 本書不論是在內容或是編排設計上,都做了相當程度的突破與創新。各式各樣的學習單元,包括對話、文法、發音、文字之美、經典詩詞……等,希望能讓學生有更多元的學習。      2.課後練習題目:為了讓學生能夠活用學...

作者:Aronheim, Nhi

Nhi Aronheim stands at only four feet, nine inches tall, but her story is immense. Several anthologies, including Kentucky Women: Two Centuries of Indomitable Spirit and Vision, and a documentary a...


Ranna Parekh, MD, MPHDepartment of PsychiatryMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical School1423 N. Rhodes StreetUnit 301Arlington, VA 22209Nhi-Ha Trinh, MD, MPHDepartment of PsychiatryMassach...


Ranna Parekh, MD, MPHDepartment of PsychiatryMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical School1423 N. Rhodes StreetUnit 301Arlington, VA 22209Nhi-Ha Trinh, MD, MPHDepartment of PsychiatryMassach...

作者:Trinh, Nhi-ha/ Rho, Yanni Chun/ Lu, Francis G./ Sanders, Kathy Marie

Asian Americans are the fastest growing minority group in the United States. When Asian immigrants arrive in the United States, they regularly encounter a vast number of difficulties integrating th...

作者:Medlock, Morgan M. (EDT)/ Shtasel, Derri (EDT)/ Trinh, Nhi-Ha T. (EDT)/ Williams, David R. (EDT)

This book addresses the unique sociocultural and historical systems of oppression that have alienated African-American and other racial minority patients within the mental healthcare system. This t...

作者:Trinh, Nhi-Ha T. (EDT)/ Chen, Justin A. (EDT)

As the demographics shift within the US population, the importance of culture on mental health diagnosis and treatment has become critical for education and clinical training in psychiatry. While i...


  想提升華語讀、寫能力,使其華語程度更上一層樓,就應該要多閱讀,單字量累積夠了,自然能下筆成章。   但要編撰哪一類文章,才能吸引閱讀呢?幾經琢磨後,一本充滿趣味、詼諧幽默的成語故事集──《華語趣味成語》於焉誕生。期使不但能從中學習到成語的意涵及其用法,還能藉由故事的鋪陳來學習文章的起承轉合;此外,於字裡行間的閱讀,也能自然習得正確的語法結構和恰當的用辭技巧,可謂一舉數得。   本書分...

作者:Erdman, Sarah,Nguyen, Nhi

Sarah Erdman is a mom, museum professional and early childhood educator. Her professional practice focuses on how to best serve young children in informal learning settings. She has a MAT in Museum...


  隨書附贈聽力練習,請掃封面QR CODE下載   內容創新.彩色編排.課文生活化.課後練習多樣化   Hãy quét mã QR code ở cuối sách để tải bộ audio luyện nghe.   Nội dung mới hấp dẫn, được in màu sống động. Bài khóa nội dung thực tiễn, các bài...

作者:Erdman, Sarah,Nguyen, Nhi

Sarah Erdman is a mom, museum professional and early childhood educator. Her professional practice focuses on how to best serve young children in informal learning settings. She has a MAT in Museum...

作者:Nhiều Tac Giả

作者:Nguyen, Nini (nhi)
