【問題】Minitab 畫圖?推薦回答



作者:Lee, Cheng-Few/ Lee, John/ Chang, Jow-ran/ Tai, Tzu

This introductory textbook for business statistics teaches statistical analysis and research methods via business case studies and financial data using Excel, Minitab, and SAS. Every chapter in thi...




一眼就能傳達的圖解表現312種畫法,任你學   懂訣竅!!不會畫圖也沒關係   用簡單線條與圖形,描繪出讓人快速秒懂的圖解,保證你的企劃/提案/報告增加10倍的說服力。   工作能力愈強的人,愈常會利用圖畫或圖解   職場工作上幾乎會用Word 做報告、用Excel 做試算表、用PowerPoint做企劃/提案,有些文字簡潔明瞭可快速理解,但有些光是看到落落長的文字就完全不會有想要讀下...


  本書研究團隊以藝術治療與訪談方式,探訪了石岡鄉阿公阿婆們的生命故事,並特地探詢了九二一地震當時的難忘經歷;不僅具有口述歷史的意義,留存了石岡鄉老人們的個人生命史,更體現了藝術治療對於老年人的健康療癒功能。全書共分為兩大部分:理論篇與實務篇,理論篇詳述藝術治療、敘事訪談實務、肢體活動與老年人健康之相互關係;實務篇則是阿公阿婆的訪談實錄與相關作品。 主編簡介 鄭月妹Yueh-Mei C...

作者:Newton, Isaac, Sir

作者:Lopez, Cesar Perez

La calidad total se asienta sobre tres pilares b sicos: cultura de la calidad, sistemas y recursos humanos y utilizaci n de los m todos cuantitativos entre los que destaca la Estad stica. Para intr...

作者:Khan, Rehman M.

Six Sigma statistical methodology using MinitabProblem Solving and Data Analysis using Minitab presents example-based learning to aid readers in understanding how to use MINITAB 16 for statistical ...

作者:Cintas, Pere Grima/ Almagro, Lluis Marco/ Llabres, Xavier Tort-martorell

Industrial Statistics with MINITAB demonstrates the use of MINITAB as a tool for performing statistical analysis in an industrial context. This book covers introductory industrial statistics, explo...

作者:Helsel, Dennis R.

Praise for the First Edition" . . . an excellent addition to an upper-level undergraduate course on environmental statistics, and . . . a 'must-have' desk reference for environmental practitioners ...

作者:Greenfield, Tony/ Metcalfe, Andrew

Progress in engineering and the physical sciences, agriculture and the biological sciences, and to some extent social science, depends on experiments. The design of such experiments is crucial. If ...



作者:Bass, Issa/ Lawton, Barbara

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Effective...

