【問題】INTERCEPT Excel?推薦回答


股票該抱還是賣?業績好壞怎麼看?產品銷量如何估? 大數據時代,海量資料就是取之不盡的金礦山! 挖出獲利關鍵情報,你需要統計學!   ˙朋友告訴我,某支股票大家都說會漲。大家是誰?如何判斷此情報可不可信?   ˙連號彩券和隨機彩券,哪張更容易中獎?兩者的差異何在?   ˙如何根據新品廣告預算和銷售員人數,精準預測銷售額,讓我更快業績達標?   大學沒修過統計,以為就此田無溝水無流?   出...

作者:Lynch, David, Jr.

Tactical Persistent Surveillance Radar with Applications introduces technologists to the essential elements of persistent surveillance of tactical targets from both a hardware and software point of...

作者:Timmer, Reed/ Tilin, Andrew/ Swanson, Joshua (NRT)

Reed Timmer is one of the most successful and most extreme storm chasers in the world. His is a job that requires science and bravado, knowledge and instinct just to survive, never mind excel. It's...

作者:Mathewson, James/ Moran, Mike

Supercharge ROI by Rebuilding Content Marketing Around Your Customer Marketing has always been about my brand, my product, my company. That's "inside-out" marketing. Today, customers hate it--and ...

作者:Timmer, Reed/ Tilin, Andrew/ Swanson, Joshua (NRT)

Reed Timmer is one of the most successful and most extreme storm chasers in the world. His is a job that requires science and bravado, knowledge and instinct just to survive, never mind excel. It's...

