【問題】Gastronomy tourism?推薦回答


  閱讀《美食考》,體驗美食新感動。   讓您在台灣也能品味法式料理風情。   2010年12月2日至2011年6月30日,持本書腰帶於午、晚餐時段至高雄Pasadena帕莎蒂娜法式餐廳或台北喜來登安東廳,即可享用餐九折優惠。   從果醬、啤酒到馬賽鮮魚湯,各種歐洲美食的來龍去脈……  翻開《美食考》,帶你盡覽歐洲飲食背後的絕妙故事!  古時候的蝸牛不但是貴族的珍饈,還是修士的止咳藥!  而...

作者:Jamal, Salamiah A. (EDT)/ Radzi, Salleh Mohd (EDT)/ Sumarjan, Norzuwana (EDT)/ Chik, Chemah Tamby (EDT)

Innovation and Best Practices in Hospitality and Tourism Research contains 71 accepted papers from the Hospitality and Tourism Conference (HTC 2015, Melaka, Malaysia, 2-3 November, 2015). The book ...

作者:Radzi, Salleh Mohd (EDT)/ Sumarjan, Norzuwana (EDT)/ Chik, Chemah Tamby (EDT)/ Zahari, Mohd Salehuddin Mohd (EDT)

Theory and Practice in Hospitality and Tourism Research includes 111 contributions from the 2nd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference 2014 (Penang, Malaysia, 2-4 September 2014), and cov...

作者:Howland, Peter J. (EDT)

New Zealand's wine came to the world's attention in the late 1980's with its production of some of the best quality sauvignon blancs. Since then the industry has grown significantly and has increas...

作者:Sloan, Philip (EDT)/ Legrand, Willy (EDT)/ Hindley, Clare (EDT)/ Flore, Roberto (FRW)

The issues surrounding the provision, preparation and development of food products is fundamental to every human being on the planet. Given the scarcity of agricultural land, environmental pollutio...

作者:Zainal, Artinah (EDT)/ Radzi, Salleh Mohd (EDT)/ Hashim, Rahmat (EDT)/ Chik, Chemah Tamby (EDT)/ Abu, Rozita (EDT)

Globally the hospitality and tourism industry is evolving and undergoing radical changes. The past practices are nowadvancing through the rapid development of knowledge and skills acquired to adapt...

作者:Verdonck, Erick/ De Raedemaeker, Luc

- The ultimate book on Belgian beer - discover Belgian beers, organized by style - Includes food pairing advice - Includes addresses of the best beer caf s in Belgium and around the world and a lis...

