【問題】Davide 68 PTT?推薦回答


日本亞馬遜商業書暢銷排行榜第一名, 蟬聯日本蔦屋書店排行榜、紀伊國屋書店排行、 丸善、淳久堂、文教堂書店排行超過一年。     作者西村博之說:「大部分的工作,只要有高中學歷就能做,   你再怎麼努力,也很難跟別人不同。」   讀者留言:「如果我年輕時就讀到這本書,人生馬上翻轉。」     西村博之是日本PTT「2channel」的創辦人,全盛時期高達一千萬名用戶,   目前還擔任英語圈最大...

作者:Cali, Davide

Internationally renowned author Davide Cali is a Swiss-born Italian writer of picture books and graphic novels, primarily for children and young adults. His work has been published in 25 countries ...

作者:Rice, Gene,Bejgrowicz, Courtney

GENE RICE is a leading executive retained recruiter, chairman of Rice Cohen International, and co-founder of the Plant a Seed Inspire a Dream Foundation, which helps children pursue their passions....

作者:Romano, Alexis

In the first critical history of French ready-made fashion, Alexis Romano examines an array of cultural sources, including surviving garments, fashion magazines, film, photography and interviews, t...

作者:Romano, Alexis

Alexis Romano is a historian of dress and visual culture, and currently Curatorial Fellow at the Costume Institute of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. She also teaches fashion studies at Parsons Sch...

作者:Amendola, Davide

Davide Amendola, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy.

作者:Cali, Davide

Davide Cali has written over one hundred children’s books, which have been published in over thirty countries. His picture books include Grown-Ups Never Do That (Chronicle), I Hate My Cats (Chronic...


Fashion for Good 把時尚變成你喜歡的態度與價值   利用混搭、多層次、配件等造型手法,增加你原有衣服的穿著次數。   在古著店和交換活動中挖掘二手衣,不花大錢也能擴展穿搭組合。   利用拼布與補丁、日式刺子繡的技法修補衣物,展現獨一無二的手感。   認識「有機」、「零浪費」、「回收」,破解服裝品牌承諾的真相。   ※※※   英國時尚教育專家與插畫家聯手   行動指南流...


◎教你用「小花圖」按部就班,順利達成作文滿分! 有效培養孩子說故事的能力!   68位來自音樂班與體育班的孩子,一年級第一次月考,多數人作文只拿三、四級分,有人只寫了兩個段落,有人寫完了卻文不對題,都只算零分。但三年後,這群孩子卻脫胎換骨,57個拿下作文六級分!   成功打造滿分案例,奇蹟般的「小花圖」引導寫作法,   在全國作文六級分率只有1.6%時,   周老師的班級有84%的學生...

作者:Scacewater, Todd A.

Todd A. Scacewater is Assistant Professor at Dallas International University, USA.


  對於大部分的人來說,「般若心經」這篇佛經的名稱,以及經文中的「色即是空」、「空即是色」,甚至經文最後「羯帝羯帝……」這句真言,不僅耳熟能詳,而且亦時常出現。   縱觀今昔歷史,除了這一篇「心經」以外,沒有任何經典,能受到如此眾多的人所喜愛及誦讀。   在以前,為了方便不識字的人唸誦,甚至還有所謂的「圖畫心經」,廣受民眾的歡迎。不過,關於這一篇經文的內容真義,卻幾乎沒有任何人去把它說明白。...

作者:Beeny, Emily A.,Gasparotto, Davide,Rand, Richard

Emily A. Beeny is associate curator of drawings at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Davide Gasparotto is senior curator of paintings and chair, curatorial affairs, at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Richard R...

作者:Cali, Davide

Internationally renowned children’s author Davide Cali is a Swiss-born Italian writer of picture books and graphic novels, primarily for children and young adults. He lives in Italy. His work has b...


  魯夫接受羅的提議,組成了「海賊同盟」。他們靠著這強力的同盟來對抗凱薩!!為了造成混亂,羅企圖綁架凱薩,但是卻發生意想不到的事情!?一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事!!


  金童重新合道,進階道祖,各個仙域大量靈蟲前去護駕,浩大的蟲潮引起了天庭的注意。     當年跟隨蟲王與天庭一戰,王座下的八大戰將,大部分都已戰死,存活下來的三人,能否擋住天庭派來的人?     隨著韓立的到來,金童也成功進階道祖。激戰中,自我屍出現,韓立將如何斬屍? 作者簡介   忘語     真名丁淩滔,出生於中國江蘇省徐州市,是當代中國著名網路小說家之一,修仙小說凡人流開創者,起點...

