【問題】Cash conversion cycle 意思?推薦回答

作者:Spanyol, Jessica

作者:Webster, Jamieson

Jamieson Webster is a psychoanalyst in New York. She has written for Artforum, Cabinet, the Guardian, the New York Times, and Playboy. Her books include The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis (2011) ...

作者:Montague Cash, Megan

作者:Kirby, David

In Ultra-Talk, David Kirby poses a simple question: What makes a cultural phenomenon truly great? Exploring a wide variety of "king-sized cultural monuments," Kirby argues that one qualification fo...


Jianli HuDr. Jianli Hu is a Chair Professor and the Director of Shale Gas Center at West Virginia University. He leads an interdisciplinary faculty team carrying out cutting edge research in natura...


  ◆人氣語文教師陳麗雲,率領專業編輯團隊,打造學習與趣味兼具的全方位語文能力培養書。   ◆本書精選33個常用成語,原來這一篇篇讓人讀到停不下來的精采故事,都是成語世界的一部分呢!      麗雲老師的閱讀小學堂開課囉!   本書精選33個常用成語,介紹老祖宗流傳下來的文化瑰寶,幫助孩子在生動有趣的故事中學習生活哲理,進而透過成語遊戲,加深印象、靈活運用!        *有注音  ...

作者:Littlewood, Simon J.

Simon J. Littlewood has been advising businesses worldwide on growth and cash flow for more than 35 years. Simon is an Oxford Philosophy Graduate who has written for numerous business magazines and...


金鼎獎得主林世仁為一個字獻一首詩 × 5位創意插畫家為一個字造一幅畫 讓孩子讀一首詩,交一個字朋友 字字開啟孩子 愛上文字閱讀的174個關鍵力 喜歡和字交朋友,閱讀創意都拿手!   這一套書有助於孩童對於文字的認識。讓我愛不釋手,是我心目中最佳童書典範。──李崇建(作家、親子教育專家)   ★榮獲金石堂書店選書‧誠品書店推荐書   174個主題字.174首童詩.174幅童畫   帶孩子和...

作者:Hughes, James E.,Massenzio, Susan E.,Whitaker, Keith

作者:Thompson, Susan Peirce,Considine, Everett

Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., is the New York Times best-selling author of Bright Line Eating and The Official Bright Line Eating Cookbook. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognit...

作者:Yang, Yingnan

Dr. Yang was invited to present a technical lecture at 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5) held in Irvine, California in August 27-28, 2008. The title of the paper is...

作者:Martinez, Eduardo,Jimenez, Emilio,Blanco, Julio

作者:Minks, Brandy

Brandy Minks is a registered dietitian nutritionist currently located in Washington. Her passion is helping people break the dieting mentality and halt weight cycling. She uses intuitive eating pri...

