【問題】Android TV 電視直播?推薦回答

作者:Bandirali, Luca,Terrone, Enrico

Luca Bandirali works at the department of cultural heritage at the University of Salento. Enrico Terrone is associate professor of aesthetics at the Università di Genova.


Titan Magazines has been publishing official sci-fi TV and movie magazines worldwide for over 20 years, including Marvel and Disney movie tie-in specials and regular magazines on Star Wars, Star Tr...

作者:Quinn, Julia

Netflix史上最熱門影集【柏捷頓家族:名門韻事】原著小說   紐約時報暢銷作者茱莉亞‧昆恩的羅曼史經典系列,以攝政時代的英國為背景,描述柏捷頓家族在英國上流社會的浪漫事蹟。   在攝政時代的倫敦,上流社會分子的一舉一動都受到各種規則的約束,孩子們從小就學會如何與王室貴族們應對進退。不過有更多規矩是從未被公開,但卻深植在眾人心裡的:例如,公爵應該要有點跋扈,最好板著一張臉令人難以親近。...


「博客來網路熱銷三年暢銷書」+「Apple Store、Google play暢銷排行榜APP」! 網路百萬名師─出口仁 根據生活、工作、檢定等目的,為各程度量身打造專業課程, 完整規劃學日語必備的、全套三冊「127個具體學習目標」!     【初級本】:奠定日語基礎必學的基本課程(42個「具體學習目標」)   【中級本】:發展日語能力必學的進階課程(44個「具體學習目標」)   【高...


Chad Posick is Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. Jonathan A. Grubb is Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justi...

作者:Allen, Grant

Grant Allen, Ph.D. has worked in the technology field for over 20 years, as a CTO, entrepreneur, and emerging technology expert. After successful startup exits and a decade at Google, Grant’s focus...

作者:Collier, Marsha


  完整介紹各種Android開發所需要必備的能力,Kotlin、架構、非同步、儲存、連線、依賴注入、測試,一本書全部都給你!     本書改編自第11屆iT邦幫忙鐵人賽,Mobile Development組佳作同名系列文章——《Android十全大補》,完整收錄了Android App開發的各種領域之最佳實踐,包含架構、非同步、儲存、連線、依賴注入、測試等不同主題,除了介紹基本使...

作者:America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen publishes award-winning cookbooks along with Cook’s Country and Cook’s illustrated magazines and produces public television’s top-rated shows, Cook’s Country and America’s Te...

作者:Trebilcox-ruiz, Paul

This one-of-a-kind short book walks you through creating fantastic entertainment apps for one of the newest Android platforms. Android TV Apps Development: Building Media and Games will demystify s...


Chad Posick is Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. Jonathan A. Grubb is Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justi...


  網路八百萬人次點閱人氣名師──出口仁,   縱橫網路與實體,剖析文法組成結構,唯一日語教科書!   從根本結構,拆解文句、文法規則,   將複雜多樣的日語文法,條理出清楚脈絡;   「理論+實例」實用易懂,紙本出版即好評不斷!   適用各程度學習者;日語自學成效,文法架構紮實者絕對勝出!   獨家【書籍+APP】套組,重版出來!   可離線使用、搜尋特定內容、註記書籤...

