【問題】障害厚生年金3級 月額?推薦回答

作者:Alpine, Rachele

One of Rachele Alpine’s first jobs was at a library, but it didn’t last long, because all she did was hide in the third-floor stacks and read. Now she’s a little more careful about when and where s...

作者:Alpine, Rachele

One of Rachele Alpine’s first jobs was at a library, but it didn’t last long, because all she did was hide in the third-floor stacks and read. Now she’s a little more careful about when and where s...

作者:Bossert, David A.

David A. Bossert is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, and author. He is a 32-year veteran of The Walt Disney Company where he contributed his talents to Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), The Little...

作者:Vieweg, Olivia

Olivia Vieweg is a German cartoonist and author, also a cartoonist and editor of comic anthologies. She lives in Weimar, and worked as an illustrator of the children’s book series Vampirinternat Sc...

作者:Sprouse, Dylan


  注意!女人從25歲就開始變老,身體老化的速度超乎妳的想像!   皮膚變差、代謝變慢、體力衰退、腰痠背痛這些小毛病,其實都是老化的警訊。   國際級瑜伽指導教練精心研發「50歲也能練」的超簡單伸展,   每天順便做5分鐘,更勝揮汗如雨30分鐘,輕鬆找回健康舒適的狀態。   ★慢老瑜伽──高效率且不費力的運動密技!   教學經驗35年、作品累計暢銷200萬冊的資深瑜伽老師精心研發,   特...


◎博客來獨家‧隨套書贈送﹝小魔女口罩減壓帶﹞1份  (限量,送完為止)                 人氣童書「露露菈菈」、「什麼都行魔女商店」、「香草魔女」作者   讀本大師 安晝安子 最新書系   誠品、博客來~好評強推   看菜鳥魔女波兒如何解決問題,完成委託任務!   ★歡迎來到月之丘魔法寶石店★   「月之丘魔法寶石店」是間獨自座落於月之丘丘頂,曾經堆滿灰塵的古老寶石店。在此...


  本書是為了在台灣學習日語基礎的人所編製的。由入門的五十音開始,每課課文皆由實用的生活會話構成,詳細解說文中隱藏的基礎文法。並附MP3 CD及練習題,讓學習者能馬上檢視學習成果,加以複習。適合課堂上使用及自修。針對想報考「日本語能力試驗」的學習者而言,是最佳的入門教材。 日語音韻表.平假名與片假名筆順 第1課 我是黃同學(黃小姐∕黃先生)第2課 這是日文的CD第3課 帽子的專櫃在哪裡?...


  以萬靈秘藥拯救蕾米莉亞與索妮雅後,希洛特和同伴們在冒險者公會接受了「護衛馬車」的任務。任務途中,希洛特一行人對遭到山賊襲擊的另一台馬車伸出援手,赫然發現車上的乘客竟是傑內剛國的第三公主露西兒!聽聞公主遭到古魯德公爵追殺的希洛特暫別同伴,獨自一人護送公主前往伊修雅神殿──超過激鬼畜異世界奇幻冒險第三集,登場!! 本書特色   胸奴人注意──!!   死於意外的溝通障礙兼家裡蹲森岡弘人...

作者:Barrons Educational Series

About the Publisher In the 1930s, Manuel H. Barron opened a bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. People from the community asked Mr. Barron about books that might be available to help their children s...

作者:Barrons Educational Series

About the Publisher In the 1930s, Manuel H. Barron opened a bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. People from the community asked Mr. Barron about books that might be available to help their children s...

