
作者:Shen, Jia,Du, Zhongda,Zhang, Zhi

作者:Pelson, Jonathan

After an early career as a writer and marketer with Young & Rubicam, Jonathan Pelson joined Lucent Technologies during the telecom boom of the ’90s, helping create and market some of the company’s ...

作者:Guo, Yingjie Jay,Ziolkowski, Richard W.

Y. JAY GUO, PhD, is the Director of Global Big Data Technologies Centre and Distinguished Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Techno...



作者:Morais, Douglas H.

Dr. Douglas H. Morais received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He received an M.Sc in EE from University of California, Berkeley, California and a Grad...


Dr. Manish Mandloi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, SVKM’s NMIMS (Deemed to be University) Shirpur Campus, Shirpur, India. He received h...

作者:Li, Zhengmao,Wang, Xiaoyun,Zhang, Tongxu

Zhengmao LiBorn in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China in 1962, PhD and professor of engineering, general manager of China Telecom Group Co., Ltd, vice chairman of China Institute of Communications, b...

作者:Morais, Douglas H.

Dr. Douglas H. Morais received a PhD from the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, an M.Sc from the University of California, Berkeley, California, and a B.Sc from the University of Edinburgh, Sc...


建立安全數位世界的第一本書 ◎國際科技安全專家布魯斯‧施奈爾對未來趨勢的嶄新建議 ◎CYBERSEC台灣資安大會主席吳其勳專文導讀 😈你開著車,突然收音機不聽使喚,接著是雨刷、空調、引擎…… 😈 2016年,烏克蘭的高壓變電所被搖控關閉。 😈2017年的某個週末,全球有15萬台印表機突然開始印起各種嘲諷訊息。   以上這些,在這個萬物與網路高度連結的時代可能愈來愈容易發生。 在這樣的...

作者:Maharaj, Bodhaswar Tj,Awoyemi, Babatunde Seun

Bodhaswar T. Maharaj (Sunil) is the current Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, and Information Technology at the University of Pretoria. He is also the SENTECH Chair in Broadban...


  這是一本介紹第五代行動通訊技術(5G)的書。   首先回顧行動通訊技術的發展歷史和4G通訊網路所面臨的挑戰,引出5G的願景與需求、5G的標準化、5G的性能要求,接著介紹為滿足5G性能要求所需要的無線技術、網路技術及支撐技術,分析5G的頻譜需求和5G網路的安全需求,最後探討5G網路規劃和部署方面的問題。   透過本書,讀者能夠預知未來的5G 系統需要滿足各種業務類型和各個面向的應用場景...

