【問題】慰問金 A 型?推薦回答

作者:Black, Michael Ian

作者:Montgomery, Heather L.

Heather L. Montgomery has taught for over 20 years (both inside and outside the classroom) as well as directed a school-based environmental center. She has written curriculum; trained hundreds of t...

作者:Dhiman, Satinder

Satinder Dhiman serves as Associate Dean, Chair, and Director of the MBA Program and Professor of Management at Woodbury University’s School of Business, USA. Professor Dhiman teaches courses perta...

作者:Brant, Alex

From the most trusted name in guns and ammunition comes this ultimate reference on shotgunning. The Shooter's Bible Guide to Shotgunning offers everything you need o know about the sport and its ge...

作者:Gibson, Sabina

Welcome back to Little Wood, the tiniest town around Here, everybody has a hobby. What's yours? The second book in artist Sabina Gibson's sweet series about friendship and community.Bear wants a h...

作者:Stanton, Rich

'Stanton writes with terrific verve and precision . . . his understanding of the seductive pleasures of gaming takes us right to its heart.'Maria Bustillos, Times Literary Supplement'The best overv...

作者:Haldeman, Jo/ Thomas, Evan (INT)

For her first forty years, Jo Haldeman's life followed a conventional path. While her husband, Bob, built his career in advertising, Jo comfortably settled into her role as mother of four, housewif...

作者:Benjamin Graham著

  《智慧型股票投資人》一直被投資界譽為有史以來為股票投資人所撰寫的經典之作。在這本經典中,作者Benjamin Graham提出了穩健而安全的投資原則,長久以來受到股市投資人所認同,並且為保守型及進取型投資法則勾勒出明確的方針。「美國最傑出的投資人」華倫‧包菲特(Warren Buffet)投資股市能夠獲得的卓越傲人的績效,也是來自於本書靈感,他並且盛讚本書為「截至目前最佳的投資範本」。 ...


  他們是你人生的無底洞。   請你鼓起勇氣說「不」。   他們要你唯命是從,隨傳隨到。   他們用「如果你愛我」或「如果你在乎我」等話術,   以及羞愧感和罪惡感來操弄你,壓迫你去做不想做的事。   他們將自己的難受或痛苦都怪到你身上。   他們認為你的存在,就是為了滿足他們的需求……   他們是擅於剝削孩子的父母。   給那些每逢假日、家庭聚會,就難逃童年羞辱記憶侵擾、飽受煎熬的人。...


萬能藍色貓型機器人與 四次元百寶袋深藏的祕密大公開   家喻戶曉的萬人迷哆啦A夢   一說到萬能藍色機器貓,相信腦海裡第一個浮現的名字,當然非哆啦A夢(小叮噹)莫屬啦!人見人愛的萬人迷哆啦A夢,藍色的圓滾滾身型、金色的鈴鐺、四次元百寶袋等註冊商標,相信即使不是漫迷,也都能從這些特徵認出他來,死忠粉絲就當然更不用說了。   那麼,如果滿分是100分,你覺得自己有多了解哆啦A夢呢?你知道...

作者:Graham, Benjamin/ Zweig, Jason

  This classic text is annotated to update Graham's timeless wisdom for today's market conditions...     The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and in...


  ★讓金鼎獎作家王文華,帶你感受閱讀的神奇魔力★   新聞局中小學生優良課外讀物推薦   好書大家讀獎項推荐好書     ◆系列簡介◆   這套書裡的小狐仙,像極了每一家的寶貝孩子,小小年紀熱心無限,即使越幫越忙,卻依然埋頭往前衝。這把熱情的火焰可別澆熄,在孩子還相信童話的歲月裡,為他們說說這幾則故事吧,讓他們在小狐仙身上找到自己,維持著同樣的熱血與正義,滿懷希望的朝未來勇...


  嬰兒不是天生聰明,是「親子對話」能讓他們變得聰明!   新手父母必讀,從家有寶寶的第一天起,就不應錯過的暖心育兒之作。   無關貧富,不論貴賤,「3000萬字計畫」帶你提升親子對話質量,   不必花一毛錢,你與孩子的正向話語,就是幫助大腦發展的那把鑰匙!   諾貝爾獎得主熱切加持,Amazon4.5顆星、Goodreader4.15顆星好評   超人氣小兒科醫師黃瑽寧、清華大學幼兒教育...

