Who Gives a Poop?: Surprising Science from One End to the Other | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Who Gives a Poop?: Surprising Science from One End to the Other

作者:Montgomery, Heather L.

Heather L. Montgomery has taught for over 20 years (both inside and outside the classroom) as well as directed a school-based environmental center. She has written curriculum; trained hundreds of teachers, naturalists, and librarians; and, helped thousands of children to make friends with the natural world. Each year, she works directly with over ten thousand children at festivals, school visits, and at environmental centers. During a typical presentation, petrified body parts and tree guts encourage scientific thinking and inspire reluctant readers. Her professional development programs for teachers have won awards and rave reviews. She lives in Ardmore, Alabama. www.heatherlmontgomery.com/
