

  近代中國科學家就中國歷史上為人所忽略的科技成就進行搜集、整理及分析後所寫成的小書,分門別類,按農業、水利工程、數學、天文曆法、定位指南、造紙印刷、火藥、機械及建築總結了各領域的歷史記載及與當世人類科技水平比較的評估。   本書配近百張插圖,書前另有彩圖圖集,圖文並茂,呈現中國豐富的科學歷史遺產。 本書特色   科技起始   論中國古代科技發明的著作   少年必讀   作者以寫給兒...




  《中國古代印刷史圖冊》以圖為主,形象地、生動地向人們展示了中國古代印刷術發明和在各朝代的發展概況、以及古代珍貴印刷品的風貌。 本書由北京中國印刷博物館編纂,文物出版社提供珍藏圖片,香港城市大學出版社與這兩家最權威的機構,合作完成了本書之出版。全書內容中英文對照,可作語言、歷史、文化科目教材之用。

作者:Paul A. Van Dyke

  Paul A. Van Dyke’s new book, Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842, authoritatively corrects misconceptions about how the Qing government treated foreigners wh...


  《香港陷落(一九四一中文)》,佚名編著,於一九四一年十二月三十日在北京發行,距離香港總督楊慕琦向日本侵略軍司令酒井隆中將投降不過數日。當時中國沿海廣大地區已淪陷於日本侵略者鐵蹄之下,北京地區名義上由「華北政務委員會」管治,並隸屬於南京的汪偽政權,實際是日本人的傀儡。     是書為一系列評論文章的匯編,除了記述香港爭奪戰過程之外,還介紹淪陷前後香港社會的一些面貌,並展望日後太平洋戰爭的發...

作者:Yanming AnBrian Bruya

  Over five decades, Donald J. Munro has been one of the most important voices in sinological philosophy. Among other accomplishments, his seminal book The Concept of Man in Early China influenced ...

作者:Hon Fai Chen

  This book explores the development of late 19th century study societies in China against the context of the decline of the imperial Qing government and its control on ideological production, wide...

作者:Lucien BiancoTranslated by Krystyna Horko

  China’s ascent to the ranks of the world’s second largest economic power has given its revolution a better image than that of its Russian counterpart. Yet the two have a great deal in common. Ind...


  歷史是人類文明承傳的紀錄。學習歷史不但可以鑑古知今,還可以提高我們對人文活動的認識和關懷。香港現在的歷史教育把中國歷史和世界歷史劃分為兩個互不統屬的科目,但世界上沒有一個國家是完全孤立的,它的歷史也不可能不受到其他地區的影響。因此,我們應全面地看它們的關係和發展的過程。 本書以中國為經、世界其他地區為緯,嘗試把人類錯綜複雜的歷史整合起來,構成一幅比較完整的圖畫,讓讀者看到先祖的起源和人類...


  這本書試圖挑戰讀者印象中的世俗孔子,指出那並不是唯一真實的孔子。正如顧頡剛先生所論:「各時代有各時代的孔子,即在一個時代中也有種種不同的孔子。」   作者從多個角度探討不同時代的孔子。不僅描述他在《論語》、《史記》中有時顯得戲劇化的形象,還討論與孔子時代相近的評論家們對孔子的批評和諷刺。作者探究了孔子作為《春秋》的作者和先知的形象,並對在鄭玄和朱熹所作的兩種不同《中庸》註中所描述的聖人...

作者:Peipei QiuSu ZhiliangChen Lifei

  Through personal narratives from twelve survivors, Chinese Comfort Women reveals the unfathomable atrocities committed against women during the Asia-Pacific War and correlates the proliferation o...

作者:Paul A. Van Dyke

  Merchants were central to the huge growth in China’s foreign trade and contributed to the development of world markets and networks. Merchants of Canton and Macao: Success and Failure in Eighteen...

作者:Elizabeth Sinn

  During the nineteenth century tens of thousands of Chinese men and women crossed the Pacific to work, trade, and settle in California. Drawn initially by the gold rush, they took with them skills...

作者:Ping WangNicholas Morrow Williams

  From ancient times, China's remote and exotic South—a shifting and expanding region beyond the Yangtze River—has been an enduring theme in Chinese literature. For poets and scholar-officials in m...

作者:Mingming Wang

  Long before the Europeans reached the East, the ancient Chinese had elaborate and meaningful perspectives of the West. In this groundbreaking book, Wang explores their view of the West as other b...

