【問題】vga no signal解決?推薦回答

作者:Lang, Suzanne

SUZANNE LANG produces, develops, and writes children’s television. Formerly with Cartoon Network, she is presently the story editor of an animated comedy series for Cake Entertainment and Copa Stud...

作者:Donald, Stephanie Hemelryk

Stephanie Hemelryk Donald is Professor of Film at Monash University Malaysia and Head of the School of Arts and Social Sciences. Since 2018 she has worked in the Justice, Arts and Migration Network...

作者:Arkin, William M.

William M. Arkin is one of America’s premier military experts. His investigative work has appeared on the front pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, and has ...

作者:Matsumoto, Taiyo

Taiyo Matsumoto is best known to English-reading audiences as the creator of Tekkonkinkreet, which in 2006 was made into an animated feature film of the same name directed by Michael Arias. In 2007...

作者:Lamb, Amanda

Amanda Lamb is a veteran television crime reporter with three decades of experience. She works for an award-winning NBC affiliate in the southeast. She also appears on a regular basis on national n...

作者:Hellis, Lori

Lori Hellis is an author and lawyer. She practiced family, criminal, and juvenile law for 27 years before retiring to write. Lori has one adult daughter and lives in Mesa, Arizona, with her husband...

作者:Brennan, Allison


Untamed is a multi-genre fiction author with works in urban fiction, erotic romance, and thrillers. She has contributed to several non-profit projects with proceeds donated to charity. Her work has...


  健一隱約感覺到事情不太對勁。  倒在他面前的這位少女,難道不是綾嗎?  自己救了餓昏在馬路上的綾,然後便失去了童貞……本來應該是這樣的。  「我到底是誰呀──?」  綾突然喊道。  失去記憶後,綾的個性反而變得較為正常。13樓的房客則稱這位恢復正常生活方式的少女為綾夜,日子依然一如往常地過下去……  從健一身旁離開後,螢火蟲接下來的軼事。至此之前總是披著神秘面紗的刻也生活,以及那位與他交...

作者:Voskamp, Ann


作者:Reffkin, Robert

ROBERT REFFKIN is an entrepreneur on a mission to help everyone find their place in the world. After working in finance and starting his own nonprofit, Reffkin launched Compass, a startup building ...

