【問題】urine creatinine正常值?推薦回答

作者:Brunzel, Nancy A.


★成長必備「生活自理小繪本」系列★ 透過溫馨的生活小故事, 引導孩子展開自我照顧練習!   快要輪到樂樂溜滑梯了!   可是他突然好想尿尿……   怎麼辦?再忍一下嗎?   引導孩子養成不憋尿的健康觀念,   同時也學會正確的上廁所步驟。 本書特色   ●    以孩子的視角出發:   貼近生活的故事情節,貼切的寫出孩子內心的想法,讓父母能更了解孩子的心情。   ●    溫馨的筆...


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Victoria Sharp, MD, MBA is a clinical professor in the Departments of Urology and Family Medicine at the University of Iowa’s Carver College of Medicine and continues to see patients and teach at t...

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This book is a comprehensive resource and up-to-date description of all urinary sediment constituents which are presented in bright-field mode and in phase-contrast mode. Thanks to numerous detaile...

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Dr. Youhe Gao is a Professor at the College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University. Further, he is a standing committee member of the Proteomics Branch of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry a...

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