
作者:Bagley, Robert

Max Loehr (1903-1988), the most distinguished historian of Chinese art of his generation, is celebrated above all for a 1953 art historical study of Chinese bronzes that effectively predicted disco...

作者:Jin, Zhezhen (EDT)/ Liu, Mengling (EDT)/ Luo, Xiaolong (EDT)

The papers in this volume represent the most timely and advanced contributions to the 2014 Joint Applied Statistics Symposium of the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) and the Kor...


  原著為一用字淺易、結構分明、易讀的基礎統計教科書,又比一般生統書籍加入了流行病學、生命統計及如何撰寫或評估論文等章節,備受好評。   中譯本儘可能保留原作的精神,並特別加強數字、公式的檢查及校對,希望能受國內讀者喜愛。鑑於國內目前使用的中文統計名詞尚未統一,我們特別花了許多工夫,採用貼切、普及和易懂等原則作中文名詞翻譯,並增加一對照表,列舉本書使用及市面上書籍使用的中譯統計名詞,以便讀者...

作者:Song, Xuguang

This book provides in-depth analyses on accounting methods of GDP, statistic calibers and comparative perspectives on Chinese GDP. Beginning with an exploration of international comparisons of GDP,...

作者:Chen, Nai-ruenn (EDT)

This thoroughly researched and clearly written compendium of available statistical information on China provides reliable information, careful explanations, useful guides to further research, and a...

作者:Hu, Mingxiu (EDT)/ Liu, Yi (EDT)/ Lin, Jianchang (EDT)

This volume presents 27 selected papers in topics that range from statistical applications in business and finance to applications in clinical trials and biomarker analysis. All papers feature orig...

作者:Korsnes, Marius

This book explores the mobilisation of China's wind and solar industries and examines the implications of this development to energy generation and distribution, innovation and governance. Unlike o...

作者:Prewitt, Kenneth

A historical overview of the census race question--and a bold proposal for eliminating itAmerica is preoccupied with race statistics--perhaps more than any other nation. Do these statistics illumin...

作者:Calabrese, Rosanne

Can the human body truly heal itself? Can we actually reverse the process of disease? If so, what modality do we choose to find our way back to health? The answers to these questions are found in C...

作者:Morris, Andrew D. (EDT)

Colonial agents worked for fifty years to make a Japanese Taiwan, using technology, culture, statistics, trade, and modern ideologies to remake their new territory according to evolving ideas of Ja...



