
作者:Frederick, Richard I./ Demier, Richart L./ Towers, Karin

作者:Fleischer, Richart

"I am the Lord that healeth thee." (Exodus 15:26)In this unique reference volume and study tool, Dr. Richard Fleischer, a medical doctor, provides an exhaustive listing and cross-referencing of scr...

作者:Richart-lawburgh, Angie

A collection of smalltown stories of extraordinary people with passion and purpose battling love, loss, discrimination and their roots to live the American dream.


  外匯市場以型態分,有集中交易市場與店頭市場(OTC)。所謂集中交易市場,指外匯交易的參與者,於每日固定時段在特定地點~~外匯交易所,從事外匯買賣,例如:台北外匯經紀商的「美元兌外幣集中交易市場」、美國芝加哥商業交易所的「外匯期貨交易市場」。  了解自己的投資性格,是規劃外匯投機交易的首要工作,畢竟不是每一個人都適合從事高風險的投資,每一個人所能承受的風險與價格波動也不盡相同。  如果投資...

作者:Frederick, Richard I./ Demier, Richart L./ Smith, Martha S./ Towers, Karin

作者:Muller, Florence (EDT)/ Claverie, Jean-Paul (INT)/ Lecallier, Sylvie/ Jeauffroy-Mairet, Barbara/ Richart, Brigitte

作者:Gambrelle, Fabienne/ Richart, Michel


本書特色   本書以美國會計準則為主,融入我國財務會計準則公報的相關規定。   .  盡量以淺白話語解說,將相關金額與數字表格化後簡明呈現,希望達到「自學」的目的。盼藉由此書讓無法到學校修習高會課程的向學人士,透過自修學會高會的相關主題與觀念。   .  學校教學常受限於時間因素,有些觀念只能重點式地說明,希望藉由本書將重要觀念做詳盡的解析,以利學生課後複習時有所依據,故本書搭配「高等會計學...



  你手上有外幣嗎?或是以外幣計價的外匯資產?   想要在詭譎多變的金融市場中,抓住匯率變化並掌握累積財富的方向嗎?   據統計,目前國人擁有的海外投資規模高達2兆新台幣,這股資金潮的大變化反映出台灣投資人在資產配置已有「外幣化」與「全球化」趨勢。因此,匯率的變化對你來說,已經不再是出國旅遊購物時才會關心的議題,而是深深影響到投資理財的方向,甚至是財富累積的速度。   本書是作者繼《做個積極...

作者:Müller, Florence/ Mitterrand, Frederic/ Albert II, Prince of Monaco (FRW)/ Arnault, Bernard (FRW)/ Richart, Brigitte

A singular look into Grace of Monaco's stylish life through the exceptional dresses that the house of Dior created for her over the years.Grace Kelly's life may have transformed from that of a Holl...

作者:Slusher, Richart E./ Eggleton, Benjamin J.

Nonlinear optical studies of periodic dielectric structures have blossomed in the past two decades. New fabrication techniques are producing fiber grating and multidimensional photonic crystals in ...

作者:Conlon, Denis Joseph

Conlon's edition usefully places Le Romant de Richart and Corrozet's prose adaptation Richart sans peourinto one text. This composition allows Conlon to explore the connections between the first pr...

作者:Richart, Robert W.

Richart's bio-bibliography is a most welcome addition to the literature. For the first time, Richart has made available a comprehensive bibliography, discography, and up-to-date worklist. Ligeti's ...

