
作者:Murphy, Patrick E. (EDT)/ Laczniak, Gene R. (EDT)/ Harris, Fiona (EDT)

Understanding and appreciating the ethical dilemmas associated with business is an important dimension of marketing strategy. Increasingly, matters of corporate social responsibility are part of ma...

作者:Murphy, Patrick E./ Laczniak, Gene R./ Harris, Fiona

Understanding and appreciating the ethical dilemmas associated with business is an important dimension of marketing strategy. Increasingly, matters of corporate social responsibility are part of ma...

作者:David Walliams

傳承幻想大師 羅德.達爾(Roald Dahl)幽默趣味的驚人天分   警告!鼠滿為患,小心慎入!   大衛.威廉不改荒誕風格,   劇情瘋狂發展!   柔伊有個非常懶惰的繼母-吸辣,   繼母的興趣就是整日坐在沙發上看電視吃洋芋片,   任何家務都由年紀還小的柔伊包辦,   而柔伊平時還得面對在學校遭田娜霸凌的麻煩日子。   寵物鼠阿米蒂奇是平撫柔伊悲慘人生的唯一慰藉,   但是校門口...

作者:Ruse, William,Stansloski, Donald

Quantum Computing sets the stage for a revolutionary advancement in all of the 10 scenarios on the preceding slide.Speech recognition software will transcribe the spoken word more accurately than t...

作者:Ruschendorf, Grischa (PHT)/ Allenby, Guy (CON)

This single-structure monograph presents a masterpiece of modern design, showcased in stunning images and photography. internationally acclaimed architects, master planners, and interior designers ...

作者:Cunningham, Stuart (EDT)/ Sinclair, John (EDT)

This is a unique examination of media and communication within some of Australia's main Asian diasporic groups - the Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, and Thai communities. Going beyond the conventional...

作者:Chia, Lucille

From the eleventh through the seventeenth centuries, the publishers of Jianyang in Fujian province played a conspicuous role in the Chinese book trade. Unlike the products of government and educati...

作者:Ping, Wang

"Wang Ping's The Last Communist Virgin is a beauty of a collection. She has interwoven the earthiness of China and the harshness of immigrant life . . . to create a series of short stories that are...

作者:Emch, Adrian (EDT)/ Stallibrass, David (EDT)

It probably goes without saying that anti-monopoly law and practice are of very recent vintage in China. In August 2008, 118 years after the Sherman Act and 50 years after the Treaty of Rome, China...

作者:Liu, Shiying

Jack Ma has made an indelible imprint not only on China's business world, but on the entire internet industry. His visionary approach to e-commerce rested on a dream that went well beyond online re...



作者:Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce

  This work illustrates the relationship between one group of Singaporean Chinese and their ancestral village in Fujian, China. It explores the reasons why the Singaporean Chinese continue to maint...

作者:Wang, Shuguang

Retail is the essential link between production and consumption. The dynamics of a nation's economy cannot be fully understood without a good understanding of its retail sector. This book is writte...

作者:EZ TALK編輯部

「眼睛業障重」「藍瘦香菇」「美魔女」 該如何用英文表達? say 不是「說」嗎?hold 不能表示「掌握」嗎? 讓英文消息靈通的 little bird 給你解答 Pokémon Go(寶可夢)、VR headset(虛擬實境頭戴裝置) 用最新話題,擴大你的英文領域!   ★ 上英文補習班、訂英文雜誌、請英文家教,都學不到的最新英文說法大集合!   ★ 補充學習形式多元,從字彙、例句、片語...

