【問題】net trade cycle中文?推薦回答

作者:Popkova, Elena G.,Sukhodolov, Yakov A.

Elena G. Popkova - Elena G. Popkova - Doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the Chair "International economics and economic theory", Volgograd State Technical University. Sphere of scientific i...

作者:Chin, Ko-Lin/ Zhang, Sheldon X.

In a country long associated with the trade in opiates, the Chinese government has for decades applied extreme measures to curtail the spread of illicit drugs, only to find that the problem has wor...

作者:Chan, Yuk Wah

Ever since China and Vietnam resumed diplomatic contacts and reopened the border in 1991, the borderland region has become part of the vibrant growing economies of both countries and drawn many fro...

作者:De Rochon, Alexis-marie/ Trapp, Joseph (TRN)

Published in English translation in 1793, this was the first study of Madagascar by a European. A member of the Academie des Sciences, Alexis-Marie de Rochon (1741 1817) was a distinguished French ...

作者:Paul A. Van Dyke

  Merchants were central to the huge growth in China’s foreign trade and contributed to the development of world markets and networks. Merchants of Canton and Macao: Success and Failure in Eighteen...

作者:Jianwei, Li

Li Jianwei is a Senior Research Fellow at the Development Research Center of The State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

作者:Priyadarshini, Meha

Meha Priyadarshini is Fellow at the Sciences Po Europe-Asia Programme in Le Havre, France. Her research and teaching interests include global history, material culture studies, colonial Latin Ameri...

作者:Cheong, Weng Eang


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