【問題】manfrotto element碳纖維小型腳架?推薦回答

作者:Monti, A./ Ponci, F./ Riva, M.

The finite element method is becoming increasingly important for electrical engineers. Moreover, the availability of user-friendly tools allows non-expert users to analyse in detail the magnetic fi...

作者:Carpenter, Harry

作者:Johnson, T. Lynn

作者:Wipper, Joachim

Dr. Dimitris Vartziotis studied Aeronautical and Space Engineering (MSc) (Prof. JohnArgyris) and Civil Engineering (MSc). He carried out his PhD Thesis in ComputationalMechanics. He worked as a sci...

作者:Boldea, Ion,Tutelea, Lucian N.

Ion Boldea is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University Politechnica of Timisoara, Romania. Professor Boldea is a Life Fellow of IEEE. He won the IEEE 2015 Nikola Tesla Award for...

作者:Bhattacharjee, Sudip

Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee is a technical specialist for vehicle crashworthiness working in automotive industry, a former university faculty member, and a researcher with 30+ years of hands-on experie...


  用毛線編織31款狗狗最愛的!   秋冬必備暖暖衣+愛不釋手狗玩具+實用生活物品。   本書是以小型室內犬為主角,用棒針或鉤針編織31款狗狗最愛的編織作品,包括愛犬秋冬必備暖暖衣、愛不釋手玩具,以及散步提袋、毛線墊等實用生活用品。書中的編織衣物,不管是背心、洋裝、連帽毛衣,都是用簡單的平面編織、圖案編織、條紋圖案和阿蘭圖案等完成,織法簡單且款式新穎、時尚。     每件作品均附有易閱讀的...

作者:Ravichandran, G.

G. Ravichandran has had 37 years of experience with theWelding Research Institute which is affiliated to BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, India, and retired from WRI in 2017. His field of specialization is w...

作者:Hejazi, Farzad,Esfahani, Hojjat Mohammadi

Farzad Hejazi is Associate Professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), and a Senior Visiting Academic in University of Sheffield. He is an...

作者:Ciesielska-Wrobel, Izabela

Prof. Izabela Luiza Ciesielska-Wrobel is a post-doctoral senior researcher at Ghent University, Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering, and was a visiting scholar at North Carol...

