【問題】land use conflict中文?推薦回答


  本書作者艾天望係一名德籍人士,卻說的一口流利的國語、並在(台灣今日)德文雙月刊外籍編輯。   由於兩岸三地未能有一本可向外國介紹大中華包括亞洲華人的專書,於是五年前開始編寫,其間從蒐集資料並請美籍專家校對,下了很長的功夫,本來此種書應是由政府單位來籌劃出版的。可是如今卻由一名外籍人士獨立花了五年時間將此大中華百科全書編著完成。   內容資料包括人、事、史、時、地、物、等等。每一筆資料均是...

作者:Fravel, M. Taylor

As China emerges as an international economic and military power, the world waits to see how the nation will assert itself globally. Yet, as M. Taylor Fravel shows in Strong Borders, Secure Nation,...

作者:Ma, Yun/ Li, Dr. Yuwen (EDT)/ Hualing, Fu (EDT)

This book provides a comprehensive and up to date comparative study of the management and resolution of conflicts between conservation and recreation in protected areas in the US and China. Competi...

