【問題】gary vaynerchuk?推薦回答

作者:Vaynerchuk, Gary

The New York Times bestselling author draws from his popular show #AskGaryVee to offer surprising, often outrageous, and imminently useful and honest answers to everything you've ever wanted to kno...

作者:Vaynerchuk, Gary

 網路行銷大混戰,學會致勝的那記右鉤拳!      紐約時報暢銷作家蓋瑞.范納洽上次在《衝了!:熱血玩出大生意》中教大家如何善用網路工具和消費者搏感情、賺現金,引起熱烈迴響,新書《Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook》更提出行銷如戰場,利用社群媒體與顧客有效溝通的金科玉律在這裡!      行銷人規劃社群媒體策略時,為了達到新的銷售目標,就像拳擊賽中的選手一樣,花了大把時間精...


你的工作還存在著夢想,或只是為了維生?你是否每天疲於應付老闆要求,碰到瓶頸,渴求突破?或者你已經起步創業做想做的事?只差一步就能大放異彩?「熱血玩出大生意」不是空談,現在正是將熱情與興趣轉成現金的最佳時機!   世界的遊戲規則變了。網路早已變成多數人的第二個家,大眾早已轉移了社交陣地。顯然,有人潮就有錢潮,廣告商早已捧著大把鈔票湧入網路世界,那麼,何不讓廣告商把錢花在你身上?你只需要投入精力...


擁有23年數位行銷與客服經驗的專家, 在為大大小小、各行各業超過700家企業提供顧問諮詢後, 總結出一個最誠摯的忠告, 提供給所有老闆、品牌經營者、行銷企劃、服務人員、網路小編、產品製作人員參考: 「被討厭不是問題,沒人討厭才是問題!」   消費者討厭你,討厭到願意花時間和精力到處抱怨、投訴你, 這種情況貌似麻煩,但其實正是商機所在。 漠視這群「網路小白」,才會引發真正的麻煩!   本書...

作者:Parker, Kate T.

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. It's time to celebrate boys. Against the backdrop of a growing national conversation about how to raise sons to become good people, Kate T. Parker is leading the way b...

作者:Entrepreneur Media Inc. (COR)/ Feifer, Jason (FRW)

In 2017 34% of the workforce was considered part of the gig economy. This growing workforce of freelancers and side-giggers is also estimated to grow to 43% by 2020. That's 4 million freelancers, s...

作者:Emma Gannon

  For fans of Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies, Tim Ferris's 4-Hour Work Week and the author and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk   ’It was a pleasure to read... the way we all work is going to change...

作者:Carmichael, Evan

"Evan consumes so much content and then knows how to DJ it to inspire people."--Gary Vaynerchuk, New York Times bestselling author of #AskGaryVee and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right HookIn this bold and empow...

作者:Luu, Tuan

This book includes Social Media Marketing, Starting a Business, Internet Marketing Not only will you get to learn the 12 Successful Strategies Inside Best Seller Social Media Marketing, ADDITIONALL...

作者:Vaynerchuk, Gary

Four-time?New York Times?bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk offers new lessons and inspiration drawn from the experiences of dozens of influencers and entrepreneurs who rejected the predictable cor...

作者:Vaynerchuk, Gary

作者:Schwertly, Scott/ Mancini, Sunday/ Pollak, Scott R. (NRT)

A practical guide based on a proprietary skill assessment tool--a Myers-Briggs for presenters--that provides tips and strategies that address the core element for becoming a successful presenter: Y...

