
作者:Tang, Lee

Get Access to the Best Trading Strategy Available today Here is a simple and reliable method to make money in the stock, ETF, futures, and forex markets without quitting your day job.This book offe...

作者:Boon, Casey

Discover the Fundamentals of Trading in Any Market The frustration involved in trying to decide the best way to start a trading career, can be enough to turn anyone off.Which system do you use?How ...


這本書以美國股市為突破口,通過ETF(交易型開放式指數證券投資基金)這一投資工具,向讀者介紹了ETF的原理和操作技巧。同時,循序漸進地向讀者介紹了如何用ETF投資美國股市、全球各國股市,甚至包括黃金、石油、貨幣等另類品種,讓你低門檻、低成本地進行全球化投資和配置,帶你展開一場“一個帳戶投資全球”的神奇旅程。   王延巍 互聯網從業者,在早期職業生涯中伴隨公司在美上市,開...

作者:Piper, Mike

