
作者:Toyama, Ema

Romantic hijinx and sexual tension are rampant in this funny and dramatic shojo series. Ages 16 and up.YUKINA VS HISAMEYukina is set to go on TV to discuss her novel, but if she's not careful, Shig...


送給認真看待生命的你 別為生病哭泣,因為它讓我們懂得珍惜 與其掙扎問天,不如照顧好自己!   2005年4月1日愚人節,老天跟Ema開了一個大玩笑,當她從昏迷中清醒,才知道自己得了糖尿病,而且還是需要終身施打胰島素的「第1型糖尿病」。   當時她的長官,工研院院李鍾熙跟她說的話,她一輩子都記得:「妳現在就像是有裂痕的花瓶,得小心輕放和搬動,因此要注意保養自己,相信你一定可以長命百歲,...


本書是作者繼我社出版《一線牽牛股—精確狙擊買賣點》和《三線騎牛股-掌控股價的支撐與壓力》的後續本。此書既自成體系,在進一步完善了前書的理論體系的同時,進一步加強了股票操作的實戰性,建立了新形式下股票買賣操盤的新模式。劉炟鑫� 妹醣螅 派攪氳廊耍 鶉諮 妒浚 耙低痘耍 嗡僥薊鶩蹲首薌唷5巧嚼礪邸 亟鸕覽礪塾胍幌 倥淌醮詞既耍 槍誚沂竟杉壅塹俳緄閬 旅亍 杉壅塹 拱旅亍 ...

作者:Zoa Jibb, Ardor

作者:Aira, César/ Andrews, Chris (TRN)

In nineteenth-century Argentina, Ema, a delicate woman of indeterminate origins, is captured by soldiers and taken, along with with her newborn babe, to live as a concubine in a crude fort on the v...

作者:Toyama, Ema

FALLOUTAt the end of the last mission, Yukina finally committed to Akira as her boyfriend, hurting her relationship with Shigure. She's still reeling from her upsetting apology call to Shigure, but...

作者:Nakamura, Asumiko/ Toyama, Ema/ Yuki, Kaori/ Kindaichi, Renjuro/ Kuze, Banko

LOVE IN THE TIME OF PARASITES Parasites: shape-shifting aliens whose only purpose is to assimilate with and consume the human race... but do these monsters have a different side? A parasite become...

作者:Toyama, Ema

MEET THE COMIC RELIEF Kanna Tezuka is a serious 15-year-old manga artist, already being published as a pro. So when she finds out her high school is starting a manga drawing course, even she gets e...

作者:Toyama, Ema

The delightfully risqu high-school rom-com continues "Can a typical school romance about a mismatched boy and girl turn out to be insanely good? It can if it's Missions of Love." - Anime News Net...

