
作者:Mireles, Ashley Marie

作者:Baldwin, Frank

Part history book and part travel guide, D-Day Gunners is aimed at anyone interested in the artillery on the D-Day beaches and landing grounds. While the heritage of the D-Day beaches and landing s...

作者:Muireartaigh, Rossa Ó.

Rossa Ó Muireartaigh Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan. He is author of Begotten, not Made: Explorations in the Philosophy and Sociology of R...

作者:Dominguez, Angela

Angela Dominguez was born in Mexico City, grew up in the great state of Texas, and now resides on the east coast. She is the author and illustrator of several books for children including Pura Belp...

作者:Horowitz, Mitch


你是否有── 終於理解股票知識,但實際看到股票圖表,卻完全看不懂的煩惱呢? 本書澈底簡化K線圖、趨勢圖,將「自以為了解」變成「真的了解」! 日本首席投資執行長教你 看準K線、選股技巧、實戰操作、趨勢判斷, 股民獲利翻倍,小資族加薪必看!     ★世界第一簡單K線分析心法,日本投資CEO的獨門操盤技巧大公開!   本書以「實踐」為主軸,引導讀者將理論實際用於投資股票上,   並利用圖表和基本...

作者:Dominguez, Angela

作者:He, Yong,Gao, Qing,Jin, Yifei

Yong He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the ZheJiang University in 2008. He is currently a professor at College of Mechanical Engineering, ZheJiang University, China. He is als...


散戶高手 教你當股神! 看圖選股 一年賺一輩子!   當了22年股市菜鳥,因為相信技術分析,57歲終於翻身,使用飆股戰法及目標管理操盤法,達到每年看圖選股賺1倍的目標,改變了過去在股市一直賠錢的命運!   他的技術分析課只與親朋好友分享,不對外招生,教室很小,無法容納太多人,連某集團負責人的親友都想走後門關說上他的課!   繼《抓住飆股輕鬆賺》和《抓住線圖 股民變股神》兩本暢銷書之後,...


  以最快的速度重磅推出2021年全民英檢新制題型之模擬試題。依據 LTTC 公布之 2021 年新制題型編寫,題目難度稍高於正式考題,聽力測驗速度較正式考題略快,10回初試試題幫助你累積作答經驗,讓你掌握正式考試節奏!只需掃描 QR Code 便能進行測試超便利。本書提供「應試攻略」,深度剖析新制題型的出題脈絡與解題技巧,幫助你臨場應試無往不利,搶得優勝先機!   2021年新題型全新撰...

作者:Stead, Philip C.

PHILIP STEAD is the author of the Caldecott Medal-winning book A Sick Day for Amos McGee. With his wife, illustrator Erin Stead, he also created the New York Times bestseller The Purloining of Prin...

