【問題】cfp課程hku space?推薦回答


作者:Chappell, Elizabeth

作者:Allen, James Smith

James Smith Allen is professor emeritus of history at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is the author of several books, including Poignant Relations: Three Modern French Women and In The ...

作者:Evans, Michelle

Michelle Evans is the founder of Mach 25 Media and is an aerospace writer, photographer, and education specialist. She served in the U.S. Air Force working on nuclear missiles, is the producer of s...

作者:Launius, Roger D.

ROGER D. LAUNIUS is the former associate director of collections and curatorial affairs at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. From 1990 to 2002, he served as chief historian of NASA. He...


  烤一盤法式優雅,讓午後來點甜   法式甜點的魅力,不只是誘人外表,豐富的層次口感,細緻優雅的滋味,也讓人著迷。備好材料,跟著食譜製作,小細節也不遺漏,甜點麵包雙棲主廚艾力克‧徐悉心教學,拉近你和法式甜點零距離。   層層堆疊#千層蛋糕   免烤箱,一只平底鍋煎出美麗餅皮,層層疊出質感蛋糕。   美拍寵兒#甜塔   水果風、抹茶香、巧克力系,百變塔皮創造無限風味。   快速擀折#千層...



挖掘人性本質,提升決策品質! 善用行為倫理學,洞察不由自主的心理反應, 意識到個人、組織、社會三個層次的思考盲點, 就能避免因錯估人性而付出慘痛代價!   ‧哈佛商學院、華頓商學院課程選讀   ‧《富比世》書評盛讚:商界人士必讀之作   ‧榮獲商業書籍大獎Axiom Business Book Awards銀獎   如果看了這本書,1990年的金融海嘯和龐氏騙局是否就不會發生?   福特...

作者:Moreci, Michael


作者:Philip, Claire

Claire Philip is an experienced children’s editor and writer based in the Essex countryside. She loves writing nonfiction books to ignite a sense of wonder in children, and has worked on hundreds o...


  ◎畢業後我該考公務員、研究所,還是選擇去上班?   ◎如果不考慮現在的收入,你的夢想是什麼?怎麼才能辦到?   ◎現在的工作前景不明,下一步我該怎麼走?   ◎20年後的同學會,你想怎麼介紹你自己?     90%以上的人都存在的「前」途迷茫,這本書,用「錢」的角度幫你解惑。     作者水湄物語,20歲就考上公務員、24歲考上MBA重返校園、   26歲年薪就相當於130萬元臺幣...

