【問題】VI Taiwan?推薦回答


國內第一本自行車功率訓練+功率數據分析的耐力運動專書 從理論術語、週期化訓練到專業軟體的操作解說   人人有「功」練的時代即將到來,但卻不得其門而入--   ■自行車功率計愈來愈普及,   ■以往動輒上十萬塊,目前只要2萬多就可買到,   ■讓想要變強的車友們,提高了添置功率訓練器材的意願,   ■隨著功率訓練門檻的降低,表示人人有「功」練的時代即將到來!   科學化訓練在自行車界當屬...

作者:Wi-vun T. Chiung(Tưởng Vi Văn)

  This book provides readers a better understanding of language, literacy, and nationalism in Taiwan and Vietnam.     This book“Taiwan and Vietnam: Language, Literacy and Nationalism” in English is...

作者:T’Ien-Wen, Chu/ Goldblatt, Howard (TRN)/ Lin, Sylvia Lichun (TRN)

Winner of the coveted China Times Novel Prize, this postmodern, first-person tale of a contemporary Taiwanese gay man reflecting on his life, loves, and intellectual influences is among the most im...

作者:Panourgia, Neni (EDT)/ Marcus, George E. (EDT)

Clifford Geertz, in his 1973 Interpretation of Cultures, brought about an epistemological revolution unprecedented since L vi-Strauss's structuralism. In place of L vi-Strauss's deep structures, Ge...

作者:Panourgia, Neni (EDT)/ Marcus, George (EDT)

Clifford Geertz, in his 1973 Interpretation of Cultures, brought about an epistemological revolution unprecedented since L vi-Strauss's structuralism. In place of L vi-Strauss's deep structures, Ge...

作者:[美]羅賓斯(Arnold Robbins)

《Unix技術手冊(第4版)》同時涵蓋了許多重要的、業界標准的開放源碼工具,它們也成為了Unix的一部分,即使它們並未隨附於操作系統中。這些工具包括CVS、Subversion、GNU Make與GDB,以及較小型的工具,例如curl與wget。此外,《Unix技術手冊(第4版)》還完整地討論了常用的shell(bash、ksh及tcsh)和重要元素如正則表達式,乃至舊式工具如sed、awk...

作者:T Ienwen, Chu/ Goldblatt, Howard (TRN)/ Lin, Sylvia Lichun (TRN)/ Chu, Tien-Wen/ Goldblatt, Howard/ Lin, Sylvia Lichun

Winner of the coveted China Times Novel Prize, this postmodern, first-person tale of a contemporary Taiwanese gay man reflecting on his life, loves, and intellectual influences is among the most im...

